BigAnimal March 2024 release notes

BigAnimal's March 2024 release includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:

EnhancementEDB Postgres Extended Server is now available in BigAnimal for single-node, high-availability, and Distributed High Availability clusters.
EnhancementYou can now use Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for clusters running on EDB Postgres Advanced Server or EDB Postgres Extended Server versions 15 and later in BigAnimal’s AWS account. With TDE, you can connect your keys from AWS’s Key Management Service to encrypt your clusters at the database level in addition to the default volume-level encryption.
EnhancementBigAnimal Terraform provider v0.8.1 is now available. Learn more about what’s new here and download the provider here.
EnhancementBigAnimal CLI v3.6.0 is now available. Learn more about what’s new here.