Pipelines - Preparers - Usage
Creating a new preparer
The source data Preparer can come from a Postgres table or a PGFS volume. Given the different nature of the data sources and the options required for each, we have different functions to create them.
The behavior of the data preparation operation for the preparer can be customized with different options. The API for these options is identical between the primitives and the preparer, so you can prototype options with the aidb.chunk_text()
primitive for use with a scalable Preparer that performs the ChunkText
operation. Learn more in the primitives section.
Preparer for a table data source
The aidb.create_preparer_for_table function is used to create a preparer for a table data source. This is the function signature:
aidb.create_preparer_for_table( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name TEXT, operation aidb.DataPreparationOperation, source_table TEXT, source_data_column TEXT, destination_table TEXT, destination_data_column TEXT, source_key_column TEXT DEFAULT 'id', destination_key_column TEXT DEFAULT 'id', options JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::JSONB )
Example: Creating a preparer
SELECT aidb.create_preparer_for_table( name => 'test_preparer', operation => 'ChunkText', source_table => 'test_source_table', source_data_column => 'content', destination_table => 'chunked_data_destination_table', destination_data_column => 'chunks', source_key_column => 'id', destination_key_column => 'id', options => '{"desired_length": 100}'::JSONB -- Configuration for the ChunkText operation );
Preparer for a volume data source
The aidb.create_preparer_for_volume function is used to create a preparer for a volume data source. This is the function signature:
aidb.create_preparer_for_volume( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name TEXT, operation aidb.DataPreparationOperation, source_volume_name TEXT, destination_table TEXT, destination_data_column TEXT, destination_key_column TEXT DEFAULT 'id', options JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::JSONB )
Example: Creating a preparer for a volume
SELECT aidb.create_preparer_for_volume( name => 'test_preparer_volume', operation => 'ChunkText', source_volume_name => 'test_volume', destination_table => 'chunked_data_destination_table', destination_data_column => 'chunks', destination_key_column => 'id', options => '{"desired_length": 100}'::JSONB -- Configuration for the ChunkText operation );
Executing the data preparation
You can use bulk data preparation to execute the processing operation for all existing data in the source location.
SELECT aidb.bulk_data_preparation('test_preparer');
Listing the preparers
A view is available that lists all the preparers. aidb.preparers also includes some of the preparers configuration:
SELECT * FROM aidb.preparers;
id | name | operation | destination_schema | destination_table | destination_key_column | destination_data_column | options | source_type | source_schema | source_table | source_data_column | source_key_column | source_volume_name ----+---------------+-----------+--------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------+---------------+-------------------+--------------------+-------------------+-------------------- 1 | test_preparer | ChunkText | public | chunked_data_destination_table | id | chunks | {"desired_length": 100} | Table | public | test_source_table | content | id | (1 row)
Deleting a preparer
SELECT aidb.delete_preparer(<name>);
This does not delete the destination table or any data in it.
End to end examples
You can find end-to-end examples for preparers on the examples page.
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