Suggest editsWith EDB Postgres AI, you can customize the types of notifications you want to receive. There are two types of notifications channels:
- User notifications channels - where you can receive notifications on email or in-app inbox or both. These notifications are for all users who have enabled them and are eligible to receive the notifications for that event.
- System notifications channels - where you can receive notifications on slack or webhook or pagerduty or all. These notifications are designed to trigger once per event, primarily for automating tasks within the user's organization.
Different types of events are sent as notifications. Users with different roles can configure the preferences to receive these notifications. The notifications are categorized into the following preference sections:
- Account - only for user notification channels
- Organizations - for user and system notification channels both
- Projects - for user and system notification channels both
The notifications under the Account preference section are:
- New project role assigned to you
- Project role unassigned from you
- Personal access key is about to expire
The notifications under the Organizations preference section are:
- Payment method added (specific to organizations that opted for credit card payment option)
- Machine user API key is expiring
This section is visible only to the organization owner. If the current user is owner of more than one organization, then this section lists the preferences for all the organizations.
The notifications under the Projects preference section are:
- Upcoming cluster maintenance upgrade
- Successful cluster maintenance upgrade
- Failed cluster maintenance upgrade
- User invited to project
- Paused cluster will reactivate
- Paused cluster reactivated
- Cluster paused due to encryption key error
- Encryption key permission required to provision the cluster
- Failed third-party monitoring integration
Configuring notifications
The project owners/editors and organization owners/admins can enable/disable the notifications for the events visible to them. They can choose if they want to receive notifications in the in-app inbox, by email or both.
Notification settings made by a user apply only to that user. If an email notification is enabled, the email is sent to the email address associated with the user's login.
System notification channels can be configured at Organization-level by organization owner or at Project-level by project owner. By default, the Organization-level system notifications channel are inherited by each project of that organization. However you can enable/disable or re-configure the system notifications channel at the Project-level to override the default settings.
This steps shows how to configure the system notification channels at Organization-level:
Configure Slack notification channel
To configure Slack notification channel:
- Log in to the EDB Postgres AI console.
- From the menu under your name in the top-right panel, select Settings.
- Select the Notifications tab. Options available are Webhook, Slack, and Pager Duty.
- Select Slack and a window pops-up, provide the following details:
- Access token - provide a slack bot access token.
- Slack Channel on which notification are to be sent. For example: #general, #alerts, #notifications, etc.
- Select Save button
Before configuring slack notification channel, you need to create the slack app and grant the following permissions:
Once the slack app is created and installed on the slack workspace, you can use the slack bot user OAuth token of the slack app to setup the slack channel.
Also make sure to add the created slack app to the slack channel of your choice.
Configure Webhook notification channel
To configure Webhook notification channel:
- Log in to the EDB Postgres AI console.
- From the menu under your name in the top-right panel, select Settings.
- Select the Notifications tab. Options available are Webhook, Slack, and Pager Duty.
- Select Webhook and provide the details on the pop-up window:
- Host URL of the Webhook
- Method of the Webhook - POST or PUT
- Optionally provide any of these authentication parameters
- For Basic Auth:
- Username
- Password
- For Bearer Token:
- Bearer Token
- For Basic Auth:
- Select Save button.
Configure Pager Duty notification channel
To configure Pager Duty notification channel:
- Log in to the EDB Postgres AI console.
- From the menu under your name in the top-right panel, select Settings.
- Select the Notifications tab. Options available are Webhook, Slack, and Pager Duty.
- Select Pager Duty and provide the details on the pop-up window:
- Set Routing Key(integration key).
- Select Save button.
Before configuring Pager Duty notification channel:
- You need to have access to a Pager Duty account with elevated privileges.
- Pager Duty Service created and configured with Events API v2 integration.
- In your PagerDuty account, navigate to the desired Service and access its "Integrations" settings.
- Add a new "Events API v2" integration and configure it according to your requirements.
- Copy the Integration Key(routing key) provided by PagerDuty for the newly created integration.
To configure the system notifications channel at Project-level:
- Go to Project Overview page
- Select Settings on the left-side menu
- Select Notifications
- Follow the steps as mentioned above for Organization-level for each of the system notification channel.
Viewing notifications
Users in the following roles can view the notifications:
- Organization owners can view the organization notifications.
- Project owners/editors can view the project notifications.
- User can view their own account notifications.
For the user having multiple roles in EDB Postgres AI, each notification indicates the level and project it belongs to.
Select the bell at the top of your EDB Postgres AI console to view the in-app notifications. By selecting the bell, you can read the notification, mark it as unread, and archive it.
To view the email notifications, check the inbox of your configured email addresses.
Managing notifications
To manage the notifications:
- Log in to the EDB Postgres AI console.
- From the menu under your name in the top-right panel, select My Account.
- Select the Notifications tab. Notifications are grouped by account, organizations, and projects available to you.
- Scroll to the Account, Organization or Project section to view the events you wish to manage.
- Select the right arrow next to the entity to expand the list of events.
- For each notification you can:
- Opt out or in to receiving the notification for a particular event by using the Opted-In toggle.
- Customize the email and in-app notifications for the event by selecting the Customize Delivery Channel checkbox and then toggling the displayed Email and Inbox buttons.
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