Getting started

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Creating a migration from an Oracle or Postgres database to EDB Postgres AI involves several steps.

  1. Create a target Postgres database cluster: In the EDB Postgres® AI Console, ensure you have created a database cluster. Connect to the cluster and create a database that will serve as a target for the migration.

  2. Prepare the source database schema: In your source machine, prepare the source database by exporting it and excluding unsupported constraints. Then, import the adapted schema to the target database.

  3. Install the EDB DMS Reader: In your source machine, install the EDB DMS Reader from the EDB repository.

  4. Prepare your source Oracle or Postgres database: In your source machine, prepare the source database by altering settings and creating users that are required for the migration. Ensure your source database can accept SSL connections.

  5. Configure the EDB DMS Reader: In the EDB Postgres AI Console, download dedicated migration credentials. In your source machine, configure the EDB DMS Reader by exporting environment variables that allow the Reader to connect to the source. Execute the Reader.

  6. Create a new migration: In the EDB Postgres AI Console, create a new migration by selecting the source generated by the Reader in the Console, and selecting the target database you created for this purpose.

  7. Mark the Migration as completed: In the EDB Postgres AI Console, mark the migration as completed to stop the streaming process.

  8. Reapply any excluded constraints: Apply the constraints you excluded from the schema migration in the new database.

  9. Verify the migration completed successfully: Use LiveCompare to ensure the target database has the same data as the source database.

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