Performing an installation with limited privileges v15

To perform an abbreviated installation of EDB Postgres Advanced Server without access to administrative privileges, invoke the installer from the command line and include the --extract-only option. The --extract-only option extracts the binary files in an unaltered form, allowing you to experiment with a minimal installation of EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

If you invoke the installer with the --extract-only options, you can either manually create a cluster and start the service, or run the installation script. To manually create the cluster, you must:

  • Use initdb to initialize the cluster
  • Configure the cluster
  • Use pg_ctl to start the service

For more information about initdb and pg_ctl, see the PostgreSQL core documentation for initdb and pg_ctl.

If you include the --extract-only option, the installer steps through a shortened form of the setup wizard. During the brief installation process, the installer generates an installation script that can be later used to complete a more complete installation. You must have administrative privileges to invoke the installation script.

The installation script:

  • Initializes the database cluster if the cluster is empty.
  • Configures the server to start at boot time.
  • Establishes initial values for Dynatune (dynamic tuning) variables.

The scripted EDB Postgres Advanced Server installation doesn't create menu shortcuts or provide access to EDB Postgres StackBuilder Plus, and it doesn't make changes to registry files.

To perform a limited installation and generate an installation script:

  1. Download and unpack the EDB Postgres Advanced Server installer.

  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the installer, and invoke the installer:

    edb-as<xx>-server-xx.x.x-x-windows.exe --extract-only yes

    Where <xx> is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version number.

    A dialog box opens, prompting you to choose an installation language.

  3. Select a language for the installation, and select OK. The setup wizard opens.

    The Welcome window

  4. Select Next.

    Specify an installation directory

    On Windows, the default EDB Postgres Advanced Server installation directory is C:\Program Files\edb\as15.

  5. Accept the default installation location and select Next to continue to the Ready to Install window. Alternatively,you can select the file browser to choose a different installation directory.

    The Setup wizard is ready to install EDB Postgres Advanced Server

  6. To proceed with the EDB Postgres Advanced Server installation, select Next.

    During the installation, progress bars and popups mark the installation progress. The installer notifies you when the installation is complete.

    The EDB Postgres Advanced Server installation is complete

After completing the minimal installation, you can execute a script to initialize a cluster and start the service. The script is by default located in C:\Program Files\edb.