Using pg_ctl to control EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15

You can use the pg_ctl utility to control an EDB Postgres Advanced Server service from the command line on any platform. pg_ctl allows you to start, stop, or restart the EDB Postgres Advanced Server database server, reload the configuration parameters, or display the status of a running server. To invoke the utility, assume the identity of the cluster owner, navigate into the home directory of EDB Postgres Advanced Server, and issue the command:

./bin/pg_ctl -D <data_directory> <action>


data_directory is the location of the data controlled by the EDB Postgres Advanced Server cluster.

action specifies the action taken by the pg_ctl utility. Specify:

  • start to start the service.
  • stop to stop the service.
  • restart to stop and then start the service.
  • reload to send the server a SIGHUP signal, reloading configuration parameters.
  • status to discover the current status of the service.

For more information about using the pg_ctl utility or the command-line options available, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.