Using the Windows services applet v15

The Windows operating system includes a graphical service controller that offers control of EDB Postgres Advanced Server and the services associated with EDB Postgres Advanced Server components. Access the Services utility in the Administrative Tools section of the Windows control panel.

The EDB Postgres Advanced Server service in the Windows Services window

The Services window displays an alphabetized list of services. The edb-as-14 service controls EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

  • Select Stop to stop the instance of EDB Postgres Advanced Server. Stopping the service disconnects any user or client application connected to the EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance.
  • Select Start to start the EDB Postgres Advanced Server service.
  • Select Pause to reload the server configuration parameters without disrupting user sessions for many of the configuration parameters. See Configuring EDB Postgres Advanced Server for more information about the parameters that can be updated with a server reload.
  • Select Restart to stop and then start the EDB Postgres Advanced Server. Any user sessions are terminated when you stop the service. This option is useful to reset server parameters that take effect only on server start.