The DBMS_SCHEDULER package's jobs are scheduled and run in the background by the edb_job_scheduler extension. For more information, see EDB Job Scheduler extension.

The DBMS_SCHEDULER package provides a way to create and manage Oracle-style jobs, programs, and job schedules.

The DBMS_SCHEDULER package implements the following functions and procedures:

Function/procedureReturn typeDescription
CREATE_JOB(job_name, job_type, job_action, number_of_arguments, start_date, repeat_interval, end_date, job_class, enabled, auto_drop, comments)n/aUse the first form of the CREATE_JOB procedure to create a job, specifying program and schedule details by means of parameters.
CREATE_JOB(job_name, program_name, schedule_name, job_class, enabled, auto_drop, comments)n/aUse the second form of CREATE_JOB to create a job that uses a named program and named schedule.
CREATE_PROGRAM(program_name, program_type, program_action, number_of_arguments, enabled, comments)n/aUse CREATE_PROGRAM to create a program.
CREATE_SCHEDULE(schedule_name, start_date, repeat_interval, end_date, comments)n/aUse the CREATE_SCHEDULE procedure to create a schedule.
DEFINE_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT(program_name, argument_position, argument_name, argument_type, default_value, out_argument)n/aUse the first form of the DEFINE_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT procedure to define a program argument that has a default value.
DEFINE_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT(program_name, argument_position, argument_name, argument_type, out_argument)n/aUse the first form of the DEFINE_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT procedure to define a program argument that doesn't have a default value.
DISABLE(name, force, commit_semantics)n/aUse the DISABLE procedure to disable a job or program.
DROP_JOB(job_name, force, defer, commit_semantics)n/aUse the DROP_JOB procedure to drop a job.
DROP_PROGRAM(program_name, force)n/aUse the DROP_PROGRAM procedure to drop a program.
DROP_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT(program_name, argument_position)n/aUse the first form of DROP_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT to drop a program argument by specifying the argument position.
DROP_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT(program_name, argument_name)n/aUse the second form of DROP_PROGRAM_ARGUMENT to drop a program argument by specifying the argument name.
DROP_SCHEDULE(schedule_name, force)n/aUse the DROP SCHEDULE procedure to drop a schedule.
ENABLE(name, commit_semantics)n/aUse the ENABLE command to enable a program or job.
EVALUATE_CALENDAR_STRING(calendar_string, start_date, return_date_after, next_run_date)n/aUse EVALUATE_CALENDAR_STRING to review the execution date described by a user-defined calendar schedule.
RUN_JOB(job_name, use_current_session, manually)n/aUse the RUN_JOB procedure to execute a job immediately.
SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE(job_name, argument_position, argument_value)n/aUse the first form of SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE to set the value of a job argument described by the argument's position.
SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE(job_name, argument_name, argument_value)n/aUse the second form of SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE to set the value of a job argument described by the argument's name.

EDB Postgres Advanced Server's implementation of DBMS_SCHEDULER is a partial implementation when compared to Oracle's version. Only those functions and procedures listed in the table are supported.

using_calendar_syntax_to_specify_a_repeating_interval create_job create_program create_schedule define_program_argument dbms_scheduler_disable drop_job drop_program drop_program_argument drop_schedule dbms_scheduler_enable evaluate_calendar_string run_job set_job_argument_value