Upgrading v2

If you have an existing installation of Hadoop Foreign Data Wrapper that you installed using the EDB repository, you can update your repository configuration file and then upgrade Hadoop to a more recent product version.

To perform the process, open a terminal window and enter the commands that apply to the operating system and package manager used for the installation:

To update your repository configuration file:

sudo <package-manager> 

Where <package-manager> is the package manager used with your operating system:

Package managerOperating system
dnfRHEL 8/9 and derivatives
apt-getDebian and Ubuntu

To upgrade to the latest product version, enter one of the following commands:

Operating systemUpgrade command
RHEL 8/9 and derivativessudo dnf upgrade edb-as<xx>-hdfs_fdw
SLESsudo zypper upgrade edb-as<xx>-hdfs_fdw
Debian and Ubuntusudo apt-get --only-upgrade install edb-as<xx>-hdfs-fdw edb-hdfs


  • <package-manager> is the package manager used with your operating system.

  • <xx> is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version number.