Uninstalling v2

You can use the remove command to uninstall MySQL Foreign Data Wrapper packages. To uninstall, open a terminal window, assume superuser privileges, and enter the command that applies to the operating system and package manager used for the installation:

  • On RHEL or Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux 8:

    dnf remove edb-as<xx>-mysql8_fdw

    Where <xx> is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version.

  • On SLES:

    zypper remove edb-as<xx>-mysql<x>_fdw


    • <xx> is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version.
    • <x> is the supported release version number of MySQL.
  • On Debian or Ubuntu

    apt-get remove edb-as<xx>-mysql-fdw

    Where <xx> is the EDB Postgres Advanced Server version.