Node restart and down node recovery v5.7
PGD is designed to recover from node restart or node disconnection. The disconnected node rejoins the group by reconnecting to each peer node and then replicating any missing data from that node.
When a node starts up, each connection begins showing up in bdr.node_slots
bdr.node_slots.state = catchup
and begins replicating missing data.
Catching up continues for a period of time that depends on the
amount of missing data from each peer node and will likely increase
over time, depending on the server workload.
If the amount of write activity on each node isn't uniform, the catchup period
from nodes with more data can take significantly longer than other nodes.
Eventually, the slot state changes to bdr.node_slots.state = streaming
Nodes that are offline for longer periods, such as hours or days, can begin to cause resource issues for various reasons. Don't plan on extended outages without understanding the following issues.
Each node retains change information (using one
replication slot
for each peer node) so it can later replay changes to a temporarily unreachable node.
If a peer node remains offline indefinitely, this accumulated change information
eventually causes the node to run out of storage space for PostgreSQL
transaction logs (WAL in pg_wal
), and likely causes the database server
to shut down with an error similar to this:
PANIC: could not write to file "pg_wal/xlogtemp.559": No space left on device
Or, it might report other out-of-disk related symptoms.
In addition, slots for offline nodes also hold back the catalog xmin, preventing vacuuming of catalog tables.
On EDB Postgres Extended Server and EDB Postgres Advanced Server, offline nodes also hold back freezing of data to prevent losing conflict-resolution data (see Origin conflict detection).
Administrators must monitor for node outages (see Monitoring) and make sure nodes have enough free disk space. If the workload is predictable, you might be able to calculate how much space is used over time, allowing a prediction of the maximum time a node can be down before critical issues arise.
Don't manually remove replication slots created by PGD. If you do, the cluster becomes damaged and the node that was using the slot must be parted from the cluster, as described in Replication slots created by PGD.
While a node is offline, the other nodes might not yet have received the same set of data from the offline node, so this might appear as a slight divergence across nodes. The parting process corrects this imbalance across nodes. (Later versions might do this earlier.)