Autopartition v5.7

Autopartition allows you to split tables into several partitions. For more information, see Scaling.


The bdr.autopartition function configures automatic RANGE partitioning of a table.


bdr.autopartition(relation regclass,
		partition_increment text,
		partition_initial_lowerbound text DEFAULT NULL,
		partition_autocreate_expression text DEFAULT NULL,
		minimum_advance_partitions integer DEFAULT 2,
		maximum_advance_partitions integer DEFAULT 5,
		data_retention_period interval DEFAULT NULL,
		managed_locally boolean DEFAULT true,
		enabled boolean DEFAULT on,


  • relation Name or Oid of a table.
  • partition_increment Interval or increment to next partition creation.
  • partition_initial_lowerbound If the table has no partition, then the first partition with this lower bound and partition_increment apart upper bound is created.
  • partition_autocreate_expression The expression used to detect if it's time to create new partitions.
  • minimum_advance_partitions The system attempts to always have at least minimum_advance_partitions partitions.
  • maximum_advance_partitions Number of partitions to create in a single go after the number of advance partitions falls below minimum_advance_partitions.
  • data_retention_period Interval until older partitions are dropped, if defined. This value must be greater than migrate_after_period.
  • managed_locally Whether partitions are managed locally. Setting this to false is not recommended.
  • enabled Allows activity to be disabled or paused and later resumed or reenabled.
  • analytics_offload_period Provides support for partition offloading. Reserved for future use.


Daily partitions, keep data for one month:

CREATE TABLE measurement (
logdate date not null,
peaktemp int,
unitsales int

bdr.autopartition('measurement', '1 day', data_retention_period := '30 days');

Create five advance partitions when only two more partitions remain. Each partition can hold 1 billion orders.

bdr.autopartition('Orders', '1000000000',
		partition_initial_lowerbound := '0',
		minimum_advance_partitions := 2,
		maximum_advance_partitions := 5


Use bdr.drop_autopartition() to drop the autopartitioning rule for the given relation. All pending work items for the relation are deleted, and no new work items are created.

bdr.drop_autopartition(relation regclass);


  • relation Name or Oid of a table.


Partition creation is an asynchronous process. AutoPartition provides a set of functions to wait for the partition to be created, locally or on all nodes.

Use bdr.autopartition_wait_for_partitions() to wait for the creation of partitions on the local node. The function takes the partitioned table name and a partition key column value and waits until the partition that holds that value is created.

The function waits only for the partitions to be created locally. It doesn't guarantee that the partitions also exists on the remote nodes.

To wait for the partition to be created on all PGD nodes, use the bdr.autopartition_wait_for_partitions_on_all_nodes() function. This function internally checks local as well as all remote nodes and waits until the partition is created everywhere.


bdr.autopartition_wait_for_partitions(relation regclass, upperbound text);


  • relation Name or Oid of a table.
  • upperbound Partition key column value.



bdr.autopartition_wait_for_partitions_on_all_nodes(relation regclass, upperbound text);


  • relation Name or Oid of a table.
  • upperbound Partition key column value.


Use the bdr.autopartition_find_partition() function to find the partition for the given partition key value. If partition to hold that value doesn't exist, then the function returns NULL. Otherwise Oid of the partition is returned.


bdr.autopartition_find_partition(relname regclass, searchkey text);


  • relname Name of the partitioned table.
  • searchkey Partition key value to search.


Use bdr.autopartition_enable to enable AutoPartitioning on the given table. If AutoPartitioning is already enabled, then no action occurs. See bdr.autopartition_disable to disable AutoPartitioning on the given table.


bdr.autopartition_enable(relname regclass);


  • relname Name of the relation to enable AutoPartitioning.


Use bdr.autopartition_disable to disable AutoPartitioning on the given table. If AutoPartitioning is already disabled, then no action occurs.


bdr.autopartition_disable(relname regclass);


  • relname Name of the relation to disable AutoPartitioning.

Internal functions


AutoPartition uses an internal function bdr.autopartition_create_partition to create a standalone AutoPartition on the parent table.


bdr.autopartition_create_partition(relname regclass,
                          	   partname name,
                                 lowerb text,
                                 upperb text,
                                 nodes oid[]);


  • relname Name or Oid of the parent table to attach to.
  • partname Name of the new AutoPartition.
  • lowerb Lower bound of the partition.
  • upperb Upper bound of the partition.
  • nodes List of nodes that the new partition resides on. This parameter is internal to PGD and reserved for future use.


This is an internal function used by AutoPartition for partition management. We recommend that you don't use the function directly.


AutoPartition uses an internal function bdr.autopartition_drop_partition to drop a partition that's no longer required, as per the data-retention policy. If the partitioned table was successfully dropped, the function returns true.


bdr.autopartition_drop_partition(relname regclass)


  • relname The name of the partitioned table to drop.


This function places a DDL lock on the parent table before using DROP TABLE on the chosen partition table. This function is an internal function used by AutoPartition for partition management. We recommend that you don't use the function directly.