Internal catalogs and views v5.7

Catalogs and views are listed here in alphabetical order.


An internal catalog table that stores information about the partitions created by the autopartitioning feature.

bdr.autopartition_partitions columns

ap_parent_relidoidOID for relation
ap_part_relnamenameName of created relation
ap_part_created_attimestamp with time zoneCreation timestamp
ap_part_migrated_attimestamp with time zoneMigration timestamp
ap_part_dropped_attimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when dropped


An internal catalog table that stores information about the autopartitioning rules.

bdr.autopartition_rules columns

ap_last_triggeredtimestamp with time zone


An internal catalog table holding state per DDL epoch.

bdr.ddl_epoch columns

ddl_epochint8Monotonically increasing epoch number
origin_node_idoidInternal node ID of the node that requested creation of this epoch
epoch_consume_timeouttimestamptzTimeout of this epoch
epoch_consumedbooleanSwitches to true as soon as the local node has fully processed the epoch
epoch_consumed_lsnbooleanLSN at which the local node has processed the epoch


Internal catalog table that tracks cluster membership events for a given PGD node. Specifically, it tracks:

bdr.event_history columns

event_node_idoidID of the node to which the event refers
event_typeintType of the event (a node, raft, or worker-related event)
event_sub_typeintSubtype of the event, that is, if it's a join, a state change, or an error
event_sourcetextName of the worker process where the event was sourced
event_timetimestamptzTimestamp at which the event occurred
event_texttextTextual representation of the event (for example, the error of the worker)
event_detailtextA more detailed description of the event (for now, only relevant for worker errors)


A view of the bdr.event_history catalog that displays the information in a more human-friendly format. Specifically, it displays the event types and subtypes as textual representations rather than integers.


This is a local cache of the recent portion of leader change history. It has the same fields as bdr.leader, except that it is an ordered set of (node_group_id, leader_kind, generation) instead of a map tracking merely the current version.


An internal catalog table with per-node configuration options.

bdr.node_config columns

node_idoidNode ID
node_route_priorityintPriority assigned to this node
node_route_fencebooleanSwitch to fence this node
node_route_writesbooleanSwitch to allow writes
node_route_readsbooleanSwitch to allow reads
node_route_dsntextInterface of this node


A view of the bdr.node_config catalog that displays the information in a more human-readable format.

bdr.node_config_summary columns

node_nametextThe name of this node
node_idoidNode ID
node_route_priorityintPriority assigned to this node
node_route_fencebooleanSwitch to fence this node
node_route_writesbooleanSwitch to allow writes
node_route_readsbooleanSwitch to allow reads
node_route_dsntextInterface of this node
effective_route_dsntextFull DSN of this node


An internal catalog table with per-node group configuration options.

bdr.node_group_config columns

node_group_idoidNode group ID
route_writer_max_lagbigintMaximum write lag accepted
route_reader_max_lagbigintMaximum read lag accepted
route_writer_wait_flushbooleanSwitch if we need to wait for the flush


Per-node-group routing configuration options.

bdr.node_group_routing_config_summary columns

node_group_namenameNode group name
locationnameNode group location
enable_proxy_routingbooleanGroup proxy routing enabled?
node_group_typetextNode group type (one of "global", "data", or "subscriber-only")
route_writer_max_lagbigintMaximum write lag accepted
route_reader_max_lagbigintMaximum read lag accepted
route_writer_wait_flushbooleanWait for flush


An internal catalog table holding current routing information for a proxy.

bdr.node_group_routing_info columns

node_group_idoidNode group ID.
write_node_idoidCurrent write node.
prev_write_node_idoidPrevious write node.
read_node_idsoid[]List of read-only nodes IDs.
record_versionbigintRecord version. Incremented by 1 on every material change to the routing record.
record_tstimestamptzTimestamp of last update to record_version.
write_leader_versionbigintWrite leader version. Copied from record_version every time write_node_id is changed.
write_leader_tstimestamptzWrite leader timestamp. Copied from record_ts every time write_node_id is changed.
read_nodes_versionbigintRead nodes version. Copied from record_version every time read_node_ids list is changed.
read_nodes_tstimestamptzRead nodes timestamp. Copied from record_tw every time read_node_ids list is changed.


A view of bdr.node_group_routing_info catalog that shows the information in more friendly way.

bdr.node_group_routing_summary columns

node_group_namenameNode group name
write_leadnameCurrent write lead
previous_write_leadnamePrevious write lead
read_nodesname[]Current read-only nodes


A friendly view of the per-node routing configuration options. Shows the node name rather than the oid and shorter field names.

bdr.node_routing_config_summary columns

node_namenameNode name
route_priorityintPriority assigned to this node
route_fencebooleanSwitch to fence this node
route_writesbooleanSwitch to allow writes
route_readsbooleanSwitch to allow reads
route_dsntextInterface of this node


An internal catalog table holding proxy specific configurations.

bdr.proxy_config columns

proxy_namenameName of the proxy
node_group_idoidNode group ID that this proxy uses
listen_portintPort that the proxy uses for read-write connections (setting to 0 disables port)
max_client_connintNumber of maximum read-write client connections that the proxy accepts
max_server_connintNumber of maximum read-write connections that the server accepts
server_conn_timeoutintervalTimeout for the read-write server connections
server_conn_keepaliveintervalInterval between the server connection keep-alive
fallback_group_timeoutintervalTimeout needed for the fallback
fallback_group_idsoid[]List of group IDs to use for the fallback
listen_addrstext[]Listen address
read_listen_portintPort that the proxy uses for read-only connections (setting to 0 disables port)
read_max_client_connintNumber of maximum read-only client connections that the proxy accepts
read_max_server_connintNumber of maximum read-only connections that the server accepts
read_server_conn_timeoutintervalTimeout for the server read-only connections
read_server_conn_keepaliveintervalInterval between the server read-only connection keep-alive
read_listen_addrstext[]Listen address for read-only connections
read_consensus_grace_periodintervalDuration for which proxy continues to route even upon loss of consensus


A friendly view of per-proxy, instance-specific configuration options.

bdr.proxy_config_summary columns

proxy_namenameName of the proxy
node_group_namenameNode group name that this proxy uses
listen_portintPort that the proxy uses for read-write connections (setting to -1 disables port)
max_client_connintNumber of maximum read-write client connections that the proxy accepts
max_server_connintNumber of maximum read-write connections that the server accepts
server_conn_timeoutintervalTimeout for the read-write server connections
server_conn_keepaliveintervalInterval between the server connection keep-alive
node_group_enable_proxy_routingbooleanDoes the group the proxy is in enable proxy routing?
node_group_locationnameThe group's location value
fallback_group_timeoutintervalTimeout needed for the fallback
fallback_group_idsoid[]List of group IDs to use for the fallback
listen_addrstext[]Listen address
read_listen_portintPort that the proxy uses for read-only connections (setting to -1 disables port)
read_max_client_connintNumber of maximum read-only client connections that the proxy accepts
read_max_server_connintNumber of maximum read-only connections that the server accepts
read_server_conn_timeoutintervalTimeout for the server read-only connections
read_server_conn_keepaliveintervalInterval between the server read-only connection keep-alive
read_listen_addrstext[]Listen address for read-only connections
read_consensus_grace_periodintervalDuration for which proxy continues to route even upon loss of consensus


An internal state table storing the type of each non-local sequence. We recommend the view bdr.sequences for diagnostic purposes.

bdr.sequence_kind columns

seqidoidInternal OID of the sequence
seqkindcharInternal sequence kind (l=local,t=timeshard,s=snowflakeid,g=galloc)


An internal state table storing the state of node synchronization requests. The view bdr.sync_node_requests_summary provides a human-readable representation of this table.

bdr.sync_node_requests columns

sn_origin_node_idoidUnavailable node with changes to be synchronized
sn_target_node_idoidNode with the origin node's changes
sn_source_node_idoidTarget node for the sync request
sn_sync_start_lsnpg_lsnStart LSN of the sync request
sn_sync_start_tstimestamptzStart timestamp of the sync request
sn_sync_end_lsnpg_lsnEnd LSN of the sync request
sn_sync_end_tstimestamptzEnd timestamp of the sync request
sn_sync_statustextStatus of the sync request


A view providing a human-readable version of the underlying bdr.sync_node_requests table.

bdr.sync_node_requests_summary columns

origintextUnavailable node with changes to be synchronized
sourcetextNode with the origin node's changes
targettextTarget node for the sync request
sync_start_lsnpg_lsnStart LSN of the sync request
sync_start_tstimestamptzStart timestamp of the sync request
sync_end_lsnpg_lsnEnd LSN of the sync request
sync_end_tstimestamptzEnd timestamp of the sync request
sync_statustextStatus of the sync request