Identifying image names v1

For a quick installation with the aim of testing the product, see Quick start. For more targeted testing or production purposes, you can select a specific operand and proxy image version that's appropriate for your Postgres distribution.

Operand image name

See Operand images for general information about the images.

Name elements

The operand image name is composed of the Postgres type, EDB Postgres Distributed, their version numbers, and the build version.

Postgres type: The first part of the image name is the Postgres type you're using. The table shows how Postgres types correspond to this part of the image name.

Postgres typeImage name
EDB Postgres Advanced Serveredb-postgres-advanced
EDB Postgres Extended Serveredb-postgres-extended

EDB Postgres Distributed: For all environment configurations, pgd is the next part of the image name.

Version numbers: The versions of the Postgres type and PGD, separated by a dash, are next in the image name.

Build version: The value reflects the current build, for example, 1. EDB creates new builds to include security patches.

Assembling the operand image name

These identifiers, together with their versions, form the operand image name. The table shows some examples.

Postgres versionEDB Postgres Distributed versionBuildOperand image name
EDB Postgres Advanced 16.2PGD 5.4.11edb-postgres-advanced-pgd:16.2.0-5.4.1-1
EDB Postgres Extended 15.6PGD 5.4.01edb-postgres-extended-pgd:15.6-5.4.0-1
PostgreSQL 16.2PGD 5.4.11postgresql-pgd:16.2-5.4.1-1
Postgres version format

For PostgreSQL and EDB Extended Server images, the Postgres version is in x.y format, for example, 15.6. For EDB Postgres Advanced Server, the Postgres version is in x.y.z format, for example, 15.6.2.

For an overview of Postgres compatibility, see Platform compatibility.

Proxy image name

The proxy image name and version derive from EDB Postgres Distributed. See the EDB Postgres Distributed release notes for an overview of PGD versions and corresponding PGD proxy versions. The table shows an example.

Proxy versionProxy image name
PGD Proxy 5.4.0edb-pgd-proxy:5.4.0