Examples of configuration v1


The available examples are for demonstration and experimentation purposes only.

These examples are configuration files for setting up your EDB Postgres Distributed cluster in a Kubernetes environment.


Flexible 3 regions : flexible_3regions.yaml : provides a PGD cluster with two data groups and a global witness node spread across three regions, where each data group consists of two data nodes and a local witness node.

Flexible 3 regions with pre-provisioned client secrets : flexible_3regions_provisioned_secrets.yaml : provides a PGD cluster with two data groups and a global witness node just like Flexible 3 regions. In each PGD group, the server TLS certificate is managed by the operator and cert-manager. The client replication certificate is pre-provisioned. Here are the steps to set up this sample:

  1. Establish the self-signed issuer and certificate in target namespace. Since we are using a pre-provisioned client replication certificate, we can delete the client secrets, certificate, and issuer created by issuer-selfsigned.yaml.
kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f issuer-selfsigned.yaml
kubectl -n <namespace> delete secrets/client-ca-key-pair \
    certificate/client-ca \
  1. Create the PGD group. The pre-provisioned client certificate and its CA certificate are included in the flexible_3regions_previsioned_secrets.yaml file as well.
kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f flexible_3regions_previsioned_secrets.yaml

Flexible 3 regions in different namespaces : flexible_3regions_3ns.yaml : provides a sample that builds upon the Flexible 3 regions example. Each region is assigned a different namespace. The discovery and connectivity section are changed in accordance with the namespaces. To setup this sample, we need to pre-create the client-ca-key-pair and server-ca-key-pair secrets in each namespace utilizing private keys generated with the ECDSA algorithm. This ensures that the server TLS certificates and client replication certificates generated by cert-manager are signed from the same private key.

  • Create the namespaces region-a, region-b and region-c.
  • Create the CA secrets using issuer-ecdsa-key.yaml in each namespace for the certificates.
kubectl -n region-a apply -f issuer-ecdsa-key.yaml
kubectl -n region-b apply -f issuer-ecdsa-key.yaml
kubectl -n region-c apply -f issuer-ecdsa-key.yaml
  • Create the self-signed issuer and corresponding certificate in each namespace. The CA secrets client-ca-key-pair and server-ca-key-pair will be refreshed with ca.crt.
kubectl -n region-a apply -f issuer-selfsigned.yaml
kubectl -n region-b apply -f issuer-selfsigned.yaml
kubectl -n region-c apply -f issuer-selfsigned.yaml
  • Create the PGD group
kubectl apply -f flexible_3regions_3ns.yaml

parted group cleanup : flexible_cleanup.yaml : provides a sample of using PGDGroupCleanup to clean up the metadata of region-b. The cleanup is run from region-a. All nodes belonging to region-b need to be in PARTED status before running this CR.

Backup and Restore

sample group with two schedulers : group_example_with_2schedulers.yaml : provides a PGD group sample with two scheduled backups configured: one using volumeSnapshot, the other using barmanObjectStore.

sample group with backup and restore using barmanObjectStore : group_example_with_barman_backup.yaml : provides a backup sample for a three-node PGD group. This setup includes scheduled backups and continuous WAL archiving to barmanObjectStore.

: group_example_with_barman_restore.yaml : offers a restore sample for three regions PGD groups. In the first region, group group-example-with-barman-restore-a is restored from backups, and parent group world is created in this group. In the second and third region, group group-example-with-barman-restore-b and group-example-with-barman-restore-c are created from scratch, and respectively join the restored group.

sample group with backup and restore using volumeSnapshot : group_example_with_vs_backup.yaml : specifies a three-node PGD group configured with scheduled volume snapshot backup and continuous WAL archiving to barmanObjectStore.

: group_example_with_vs_restore.yaml : defines full restore from volume snapshot backup.

: group_example_with_vs_pitr.yaml : defines restore from volume snapshot backup followed by point-in-time recovery.


The volumeSnapshot sample above utilizes the csi-hostpath-sc storage class. Please verify that your storage class supports volume snapshots. For more details, refer to Backup on volume snapshots.

Read node routing

sample group with read node routing enabled : group_example_with_readnode.yaml : offers a sample with read node routing enabled.


sample group use ldap with bind and search : group_example_with_ldap_bind_search.yaml : provides an LDAP sample of PGD group configured to use bind and search for authentication.

sample group use ldap with simple bind : group_example_with_ldap_simple_bind.yaml : provides an LDAP sample of PGD group to use simple bind for authentication.

Managed roles

sample group with managed roles : group_example_with_managed.yaml : provides a PGD group sample with managed roles and managed services.


sample group using tde : group_example_with_tde.yaml : provides a PGD group sample with TDE enabled. Since TDE requires PostgreSQL to be a specific flavor and version, the YAML file includes configurations for both the PGD and PGD proxy images.


sample group with mutations : group_example_with_mutations.yaml : offers a PGD group sample with always mutation configured.

sample group with service template configured : group_example_with_service_template.yaml : offers a sample with groupSeviceTemplate, nodeServiceTemplate proxyServiceTemplate and proxyReadServiceTemplate configured.

sample group with operand image customized : group_example_customized.yaml : offers a PGD group sample with pgd and proxy image name customized.

For a list of available options, see the "API Reference" page.


The PGD group sample above requires cert-manager with a self-signed issuer. You can use issuer-selfsigned.yaml to create the self-signed issuer before setting up the PGD group.