Installing Packages

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Once you have added the EDB repository to your system, you can install any EDB package you need.

Finding the package name for the package you need.

Installation instructions in the manuals for the EDB packages will tell you the package name you need to install. You can also look up the package name in the EDB Repos web page.

  1. Navigate to Sign in if required. If you do have to sign in, you'll be directed to the account profile page. On the account profile page, select Repo Access to continue.

  2. Select Access Repos 2.0.

  3. On the next page, select the platform you wish to download packages to.

  4. Then select any software from the left hand list of EDB software.

  5. On the right hand side, instructions appear for the installation of that particular software. Look for Step 2, the installation step. This is step 2 to install EDB Postgres Advanced Server version 16 on Ubuntu 22.04 on x86_64

    Repos 2.0 - Step 2
  6. The contents of Step 2 show you the full installation command for the package. You can copy and paste this command into your terminal to install the package. If you just need the package name, that appears at the end of the command.

If you have any issues, check the troubleshooting section.

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