Directly browsing and downloading from the EDB repositories

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Browsing to locate your package

  1. Navigate to Sign in if required. If you do have to sign in, you'll be directed to the account profile page. On the account profile page, select Repo Access to continue.

  2. Select Access Repos 2.0.

  3. You are now viewing the EDB Repositories for Linux page. There are two sections; Install EDB software and Download EDB software. Look at the Download section. Below the title is a panel listing the repositories available to browse.

    download repos
  4. Select the repository you want to browse. On selection, a new tab or window opens displaying available operating system and architecture options.

    Platforms and architecture selection

  5. The Repository package list is now displayed for your selection.

    Repository package list

The view of the available files shows as multiple pages, with the current page and count of pages. Select the up/down arrow toggle button next to the Search field to view all the results in a single page. Entering text in the search field will filter the results to include only package names that contain the search text.

Downloading your package

For any available package shown, a download icon displays at the right hand side of the package list. Click this to download the package. The package downloads with the full name as displayed in the name column of the list.

Downloading the archive

If you want to download the entire repository available in your current view, select the Download Archive button at the top of the page. This downloads a compressed archive of the repository contents for the currently viewed plan, operating system and architecture.

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