pg_hba.conf v23

The Postgres documentation explains the various options available in pg_hba.conf.

By default, TPA will generate a sensible pg_hba.conf for your cluster, to allow replication between instances, and connections from authenticated clients.

You can add entries to the default configuration by providing a list of postgres_hba_settings:

  - "# let authenticated users connect from anywhere"
  - hostssl all all scram-sha-256

You can override the default local all all peer line in pg_hba.conf by setting postgres_hba_local_auth_method: md5.

If you don't want any of the default entries, you can change postgres_hba_template:

  postgres_hba_template: pg_hba.lines.j2
  - "# my lines of text"
  - "# and nothing but my lines"
  - "# …not even any clients!"
  - hostssl all all reject

You can even create templates/my_hba.j2 in your cluster directory and set:

  postgres_hba_template: my_hba.j2

If you just want to leave the existing pg_hba.conf alone, you can do that too:

  postgres_hba_template: ''

Although it is possible to configure pg_hba.conf to be different on different instances, we generally recommend a uniform configuration, so as to avoid problems with access and replication after any topology-changing events such as switchovers and failovers.