Oct 22, 2024 - Oct 25, 2024
Athens, Greece
Join us for PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2024 in Athens from October 22-25, the largest European PostgreSQL event, featuring sessions from top developers, DBAs, and industry leaders. This is a great opportunity to network with the global PostgreSQL community and hear knowledge and insights from Postgres experts.
EDB has several confirmed speakers at this year's PG Conf EU including:
- Senior Product Manager Adam Wright - Demystifying Kubernetes for Postgres DBAs: A Guide to Operators
- Performance Engineer Mark Wong - Introduction to Fair-Use TPC Benchmarking Kits
- Chief Database Scientist Robert Haas - Incremental Backup
- Practice Leader Lætitia Avrot - Untangling the Web of PostgreSQL Permissions
- Solutions Architects Manager Boriss Mejias - Sparta’s Dual Kingship and PostgreSQL Active-Active
- Senior Principal Andrew Dunstan - Modernizing the PostgreSQL Test framework
- Machine Learning Engineer Bilge Ince, with Boriss Mejias - Empowering AI Applications: Integrating Vector Databases with PostgreSQL
- Vice President of Cloud Native Gabriele Bartolini, and Principal Engineer Leonardo Cecchi - Mastering PostgreSQL in Kubernetes with CloudNativePG
- Senior Software Development Engineer Euler Taveira - Speeding up logical replication setup
- Senior Principal Support Engineer Rafael Castro - Debugging active queries with mid-flight instrumented explain plans