


Replication Performance & Why It Matters

Simon looks at the performance of various replication mechanisms and how they have improved over time. Where possible, he discusses how and when to tune them. Looking at replication for Very Large Databases (VLDBs) we see the importance of specific aspects of replication and why these are critically important for high availability.

Benchmarking Cloud Native PostgreSQL

Database come PostgreSQL non possono girare su Kubernetes. Questo è il ritornello che sentiamo continuamente, ma al tempo stesso la motivazione per noi di EDB di abbattere questo muro, una volta per tutte.

In questo webinar parleremo della nostra avventura finora per portare PostgreSQL su Kubernetes. Scopri perché crediamo che fare benchmark di storage e del database prima di andare in produzione porti a una più sana e longeva vita di un DBMS, anche su Kubernetes.

Computing Magazine - Going cloud native: Why the cloud should be your database default

Organisations of all sizes, across all sectors, are constantly asking more of their data architecture. They need databases that do more, go faster, and adapt to their changing needs. Cloud native databases are increasingly becoming the natural solution for many. While this transition has been in process for years, the past 12 months have accelerated the migration from on-premises solutions and amplified the advantages of the cloud.

Computerwoche - Database Services aus der Cloud

Das starke Wachstum von IT-Landschaften in Hybrid- und Multicloud-Umgebungen zeigt sich seit einiger Zeit auch im Bereich der Datenbanken. Gerade hier spielen Open Source Datenbanken eine immer wichtigere Rolle.

EDB bietet Unternehmen mit PostgreSQL eine SQL Datenbanklösung mit vollem Enterprise Support und vielen Optionen an. Es bleibt die Frage: Welche ist die Beste für mein Unternehmen? On-premise oder Cloud? Und wenn Cloud: DataBase as a Service (DBaaS), Kubernetes oder Virtual Machines?

Develop Cloud-Native Apps on Kubernetes with Postgres

Kubernetes has become a popular platform among application developers for building cloud-native applications. They value the flexibility to deploy anywhere, automate tasks, and expedite production.

At the same time, PostgreSQL has increasingly become the database of choice among application developers.

For anyone who has deployed or looking to deploy Cloud Native PostgreSQL, a big question is how do I get connected and then how to leverage built-in features.

Spatial Data Loading and Visualization In PostgreSQL

PostGIS is a spatial database extension for PostgreSQL. It supports spatial data types and objects which helps to build spatial queries for GIS Applications. There are different ways to load and visualize the spatial data in PostgreSQL.

In the previous webinar we discussed NOSQL and PostGIS capability in PostgreSQL for unstructured and Spatial Database as extended features in PostgreSQL. This Webinar focuses on loading and visualizing spatial data using PostgreSQL.

 Attend this webinar to learn:

Postgres Vision 2021 Sneak Peek

Postgres Vision 2021 is here to explore what’s ahead for PostgreSQL and its impact on the future of the enterprise.

If you’re involved with leveraging data to innovate, PostgresVision2021 is for you. Whether you are an end-user, partner, expert, or aspiring technologist—there is something for everyone to learn how PostgreSQL is advancing the future of data. 

Best Practices in Security for PostgreSQL

The webinar will review a multi-layered framework for PostgreSQL security, with a deeper focus on limiting access to the database and data, as well as securing the data. Using the popular AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Auditing) framework we will cover:

Las Variaciones de la Replicación de PostgreSQL (CET)

Replicación física, replicación lógica, síncrona, asíncrona, multi-maestro, escalabilidad horizontal, etc. Son muchos los términos asociados con la replicación de bases de datos. En esta charla revisaremos los conceptos fundamentales detrás de cada variación de la replicación de PostgreSQL, y en qué casos conviene usar una o la otra. La presentación incluye una parte práctica con demostraciones aunque no será un tutorial sobre como configurar un cluster.  El enfoque está en entender cada variación para elegir la mejor dependiendo del caso de uso.

Cosas que aprenderán:

NoSQL and Spatial Database Capabilities using PostgreSQL (APJ)

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database system. NoSQL on the other hand is a non-relational database and is document-oriented. Learn how the PostgreSQL database gives one the flexible options to combine NoSQL workloads with the relational query power by offering JSON data types. With PostgreSQL, new capabilities can be developed and plugged into the database as required.

Attend this webinar to learn:

Oracle Migration - Business and Technical Considerations

This webinar will discuss the business reasons to move away from legacy databases and a step-by-step approach to help organizations begin their Oracle “escape.” We will showcase a business case assessment built on the technical and legal feasibility to help realize up to an 80% savings. Join Tom Rieger, Senior Sales Engineer at EDB, as he shares his experience working with EDB customers through their key financial, legal and technical hurdles toward Oracle migration.

Know Your Database Options in the Cloud

Database cloud adoption is accelerating. You may have picked a cloud but now you have to understand your deployment options. During this webinar, we will explore your database choices in the cloud such as DBaaS, Kubernetes, and virtual machines. We will review performance, cost, and enterprise capabilities. By the end of this session, you will be enabled to make an informed decision based on your support and flexibility needs.

Automating a PostgreSQL High Availability Architecture with Ansible - German (CET)

Highly available databases are essential to organizations depending on mission-critical, 24/7 access to data. Postgres is widely recognized as an excellent open-source database, with critical maturity and features that allow organizations to scale and achieve high availability.

EDB reference architectures are designed to help new and existing users alike to quickly design a deployment architecture that suits their needs. Users can use these reference architectures as a blueprint or as the basis for a design that enhances and extends the functionality and features offered.

EDB 13 - New Enhancements for Security and Usability - APJ

Database security is always of paramount importance to all organizations. In this webinar, we will explore the security, usability, and portability updates of the latest version of the EDB database server and tools.

Join us in this webinar to learn:

EDB : des solutions et services basés sur PostgreSQL pour la transformation digitale des entreprises

Grâce à des Systèmes de Gestion de Bases de Données (SGBD), les données stockées sur une base de données peuvent être utilisées pour améliorer la performance de l’entreprise. Amélioration de la sécurité des données, meilleure intégration, gains de temps et de productivité… sont autant d’avantages, parmi d’autres, qu’offrent les SGBD, qu’ils soient sous licence ou open source.

Parmi les outils opensource, découvrez PostgreSQL et le rôle qu'il peut jouer dans le cadre d’une migration cloud via des cas d’usage.

EDB : des solutions et services basés sur PostgreSQL pour la transformation digitale des entreprises

Grâce à des Systèmes de Gestion de Bases de Données (SGBD), les données stockées sur une base de données peuvent être utilisées pour améliorer la performance de l’entreprise. Amélioration de la sécurité des données, meilleure intégration, gains de temps et de productivité… sont autant d’avantages, parmi d’autres, qu’offrent les SGBD, qu’ils soient sous licence ou open source.

Parmi les outils opensource, découvrez PostgreSQL et le rôle qu'il peut jouer dans le cadre d’une migration cloud via des cas d’usage.

Comparing Physical and Logical Replication for PostgreSQL

Join us for this webinar as we compare physical and logical replication for PostgreSQL. We will look at common features, major feature differences, and common replication behaviors. The session will take you through advantages, restrictions, and requirements for logical replication.

Sauvegardes et Exports Bases de Données (CET)

Dans ce webinar, nous allons parler des différences entre une sauvegarde physique (créé avec un outil tel que BART, Barman ou pgBackRest) et une sauvegarde logique ou “export” (créé avec un outil comme pg_dump). Nous allons lister les avantages et inconvénients, les principales considérations et les outils disponibles pour les deux méthodes.

Cloud Native PostgreSQL - Italian (CET)

Vieni a scoprire Cloud Native PostgreSQL (CNP), l’operatore per Kubernetes, direttamente da coloro che lo hanno ideato e lo sviluppano in EDB.

CNP facilita l’integrazione di database PostgreSQL con le tue applicazioni all’interno di cluster Kubernetes e OpenShift Container Platform di RedHat, grazie alla sua gestione automatica dell’architettura primario/standby che include: self-healing, failover, switchover, rolling update, backup, ecc.

Durante il webinar affronteremo i seguenti punti:

Why I Picked Postgres over Oracle

Picking a specific database technology is not done overnight. It is not a decision that is taken lightly. You will most probably select a database technology for a long time, as the dogma of database-agnostic has proven not to exist.

Switching database technology is even more challenging. To even consider switching the workhorse under your prized, mission-critical applications, the switch would have to bring serious advantages. Many years, if not decades, have been invested in building and testing everything, why change?

Comment étendre le modèle Open Source dans les entreprises?

Les solutions de base de données open source telles que Postgres offrent une capacité, une flexibilité et une assistance accrues qui ne dépend pas entièrement d’une seule entreprise ou d’un groupe de développeurs. Dans cette session, nous allons aborder les points suivants :

Cloud and Databases 101: Value, Sizing, and Best Practices

During this webinar, we will discuss why and how data management in the cloud space is growing at such an accelerated rate. A detailed business case will be reviewed with benchmarks and sizing topics.

How to Properly Backup Your Data

During this webinar, we will review:

  • What is a backup
  • What is not a backup (and could be mistaken for a backup)
  • How to perform backups
  • How to reduce data loss risk with backups

New enhancements for security and usability in EDB 13 (GMT)

EDB 13 enhances our flagship database server and tools. This webinar will explore its security, usability, and portability updates. Join us to learn how EDB 13 can help you improve your PostgreSQL productivity and data protection.


Webinar highlights include:

Which PostgreSQL is right for your multi cloud strategy? - APJ

The adoption of PostgreSQL in enterprises is becoming a strategic choice, more so with the adoption of Multi-Cloud now becoming a need for enterprise deployment. The availability and options of PostgreSQL and cloud platform providers create multiple combinations of deployment options for you. So, it is important to identify the right strategy that will fit your organisation’s needs.

Register for this webinar to learn about the many available options and how you should identify the right-fitting database and multi-cloud strategy meant for you.