Top Database System today, #1 Postgres & AI Platform tomorrow

April 22, 2024

The number 1 trusted source for IT news, CRN, released their 2024 Big Data 100 list today and named EDB as a top Database System. Jennifer Follett, VP, U.S. Content and Executive Editor, CRN says: “The companies honored on CRN’s 2024 Big Data 100 list are trailblazers in data-driven technologies. They demonstrate an unwavering commitment to delivering data intelligence, insight, and analytics tools that solution providers can use to improve business outcomes for clients.”

As the pioneer in Postgres, EDB is now paving the way for its next evolution: the first ever Postgres data and AI platform that delivers on the full workloads needed for a new generation of intelligent applications. EDB’s CEO Kevin Dallas told CRN: “Postgres is the most widely adopted, most desired, most admired database worldwide. We're focused on continuing that leadership with our customers, but making sure that we evolve it in such a way that it enables new intelligent applications. The role of the data stack provider has changed. It's now no longer a notion of providing database functionality and transactional processing. It's really about understanding the data and understanding how to process that data and anticipate the use of that data.” 

Read the full interview with Kevin on CRN here to discover the new role of data stacks and EDB’s cutting-edge vision for Postgres.

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