Move Your Workloads to the Public Cloud—Not Oracle’s

February 24, 2023

In recent years, more and more businesses—both industry leaders and up-and-comers—have decided to ditch their legacy commercial database in favor of open source solutions like Community PostgreSQL. With constantly rising prices and increasingly restrictive licenses, Oracle and providers like it have made it difficult to execute business-critical transformation initiatives and build mission-critical applications.

Does that mean Oracle is now a thing of the past?

Since its inception, the cloud has appealed to organizations because of its incredible flexibility and promise of cost-efficiency. Unfortunately, with legacy providers, these benefits have quickly taken a back seat. Enterprises who entrust their cloud architecture to Oracle are growing tired—tired of not being able to use the tools they want, construct the infrastructure they need or take advantage of multi and hybrid cloud strategies which could elevate their business. Now, they’re looking for an alternative in the public cloud.


Cloud restriction or cloud freedom?

There’s no avoiding it: enterprises who have found themselves entangled with licenses for Oracle’s cloud have rarely been able to achieve full control of their data—a necessity in the current business landscape. 

Especially when it comes to third-party integrations and multi-cloud architectures, Oracle places firm and frustrating constraints on its users. This makes sense—as a commercial provider, Oracle has a vested interest in ensuring that its customers build their stack out of as many Oracle solutions as possible. If a business is looking to deploy a hybrid architecture that also includes AWS or Microsoft Azure—or any other public cloud offering—Oracle has incentive to prevent that.

This is the fundamental problem for organizations looking to innovate, transform and take full advantage of all the cloud has to offer: their goals conflict with that of their cloud provider. As a result, they’re faced with unavoidable restrictions that rob them of their ability to have full ownership of their data, and the essential freedom to make use of it in a way that best suits their aims.

Isn’t freedom the main reason you migrated to the cloud in the first place?

That freedom defines public cloud offerings— from their flexible pricing models, to their software compatibility,to a wide range of integrations. This makes them especially friendly for architects and developers. Rather than having to work within the confines of a given vendor’s business model, these cloud offerings empower organizations to construct an architecture that’s ideal for their initiatives and challenges. Postgres, in particular, has proven increasingly popular among public cloud users for its performance and extreme high availability. 


Embrace the power of Postgres in the public cloud with EDB BigAnimal

At the end of the day, the matter is simple: your data should be your data. Your cloud provider should not be putting restrictions on how you make use of it or—even worse—charge you for access to it. You shouldn’t be penalized for the desire to grow and innovate, or take your business to the next level. 

While restrictive contracts and licensing stand in the way of organizations looking to achieve more, the public cloud encourages and facilitates creative development. When combined with open source database solutions like Postgres, a business leveraging the public cloud is able to make seemingly difficult, impossible things possible. 

This was what motivated us to create EDB BigAnimal, our fully managed cloud Postgres solution. Available on AWS and Microsoft Azure, (coming shortly to Google Cloud) EDB BigAnimal is designed to give enterprises the flexible options Oracle’s cloud does not. There’s no need to wrestle with vendor lock-in or worry about managerial or operational responsibilities. As we like to say, we focus on the database, so you can focus on your business.

No matter what you want to accomplish, you deserve a cloud database that won’t hold you back. Don’t let Oracle limit the potential of your business—choose Postgres and move to the public cloud with EDB BigAnimal.


Taste the true freedom of Postgres firsthand. Sign up for a free EDB BigAnimal demo.

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