Releasing Cloud Native BDR Operator for Kubernetes

February 05, 2020
Releasing Cloud Native BDR Operator for Kubernetes

I am very excited to announce the first release of "Cloud Native BDR Operator" for Kubernetes.

BDR Operator is the first 2ndQuadrant product to be launched in the Cloud Native landscape and it is part of our long term commitment in this area: 2ndQuadrant indeed is a Silver member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and, most importantly, a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider.

BDR Operator 1.0.0 implements the WriteAnywhere highly-available multi-master architecture for BDR Enterprise Edition, featuring:

  • Self-Healing capability, through automated recreation of a node
  • Scale up/down capabilities
  • Definition of an arbitrary number of masters, with a minimum of 3 nodes
  • Definition of the ready service, to connect your applications to any server in round-robin
  • Definition of the lead master service, to connect your applications to one single server
  • Support for Local Persistent Volumes with PVC templates

BDR Operator has been tested in the most common Kubernetes Public Cloud providers (Amazon, Azure, Google and DigitalOcean), as well as Private cloud.

Currently BDR Operator is private and supports BDR Enterprise Edition 3.6.x, an extension based on 2ndQPostgres 11. You can test it via our Cloud Native BDR Quickstart packaged service.

As leader of the Cloud Native initiative at 2ndQuadrant, I am also happy to announce that we will be sponsors at KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Europe in Amsterdam from 31 March to 2 April 2020.

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