Webinar: Cloud Native BDR and PostgreSQL [Follow Up]

June 02, 2020

Cloud-Native BDR is a multi-master database system based on PostgreSQL and designed for Kubernetes 1.15+ that thanks to the WriteAnywhere architecture, allows your applications to reach up to 6-nines uptime availability in a year.

To further explore this topic, 2ndQuadrant arranged a live webinar, “Cloud Native BDR and PostgreSQL”, hosted by Gabriele Bartolini. 

This webinar presented a perfect opportunity to see where Cloud-Native BDR and Cloud-Native PostgreSQL products developed by 2ndQuadrant stand and how they can be integrated into your Kubernetes workloads.

The webinar also explored how our operators adapt to public/private/hybrid environments, how core features such self-healing, high-availability, scalability, and – last but not least – what our DevSecOps culture and processes have produced in the area of security.

Those who weren’t able to attend the live webinar can now view the recording here.

Due to limited time, some of the questions were not answered during the live webinar, so answers by the host are provided below:

Question: As BDR relies on logical replication that can’t use largeobjects, can we use largeobjects with BDR?

Answer: The answer here is no. I’ve asked that several times to developers, but there is no plan in largeobject support. It could be developed if someone is really interested to sponsor it.

To be the first to know about upcoming PostgreSQL webinars by 2ndQuadrant, visit our Webinars page.

For any questions, comments, or feedback, please visit our website or send an email to webinar@2ndquadrant.com.


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