Webinar: PostgreSQL on Windows [Follow Up]

August 17, 2020

PostgreSQL is a powerful database and supports multiple operating systems. Windows is a first-class example of PostgreSQL supported platforms. 

In order to explore this topic in detail, 2ndQuadrant arranged a live webinar, “PostgreSQL on Windows”. The session was hosted by Andrew Dunstan, Senior Developer & PostgreSQL Committer at 2ndQuadrant.

The webinar covered the following topics:

  • Brief History of PostgreSQL on Windows
  • What is new on PostgreSQL for Windows
  • Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL for Windows
  • PostgreSQL Performance and Authentication on Windows
  • Security Considerations
  • Windows GUIs
  • PostgreSQL Extensions on Windows
  • PostgreSQL Development on Windows
  • Upgrading PostgreSQL on Windows

Those who were not able to attend the live webinar can now view the recording here.

To be the first to know about upcoming PostgreSQL webinars by 2ndQuadrant, visit our Webinars page.

For any questions, comments, or feedback, please visit our website or send an email to webinar@2ndquadrant.com.

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