Postgres Installer - A Step by Step Guide to install PostgreSQL

June 18, 2018

Here’s a step-by-step guide to install PostgreSQL on your machine using Postgres Installer. Postgres Installer supports three modes of installation; Graphical, Unattended and Text. We’re going to cover all three of them in this guide.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions


Download and Install PostgreSQL via Graphical Mode - Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1:

Download Postgres Installer here. Postgres Installer is available for PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, and 12(beta).

Step 2:

Click on the executable file to run the installer.

Step 3:

Select your preferred language.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 3

Step 4:

Specify directory where you want to install PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 4.1

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 4.2

Step 5:

Specify PostgreSQL server port. You can leave this as default if you’re unsure what to enter.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 5

Step 6:

Specify data directory to initialize PostgreSQL database.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 6

Step 7:

Create a PostgreSQL user password.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 7

Step 8:

Create password for database Superuser.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 8

Step 9:

Click next to begin PostgreSQL installation.

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 9.1

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 9.2

PostgreSQL Download & Install - PGInstaller GUI Installer - Step by Step Instructions - Step 9.3

The readme file contains installation paths, service names and database credentials.


To Install PostgreSQL via Unattended Mode

Navigate to the directory that contains Postgres Installer and enter:


PostgreSQL-10.9-1-windows-installer.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none --data_dir C:\ProgramData\postgresql\10\data --pg_port 5432 --pg_password --superuser_password

OSX: --mode unattended --superuser_password database_superuser_password

Linux: --mode unattended --superuser_password database_superuser_password


To Install PostgreSQL via Text Mode

Navigate to the directory that contains Postgres Installer and enter:

For Windows

PostgreSQL-10.4-1-windows-installer.exe --mode text

For OSX --mode text

For Linux --mode text


Space requirements

For the complete Postgres Installer installation you will need approximately 60 mb of disk space.


Supported Platforms




  • RHEL6 and RHEL7
  • CentOS6 and CentOS7
  • Ubuntu Bionic, Xenial and Trusty
  • Debian Stretch and Jessie
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10
  • 10 and above


For feedback or queries related to Postgres Installer, contact us here.

Looking for more helpful information just like this? Explore our Postgres Tutorials.

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