Trusted Postgres Architect (TPA)

Now open source, TPA is a tool for simple, repeatable, and robust deployment and configuration of trusted High Availability architectures.

Simplify deployment of trusted High Availability Postgres architectures


Deploy High Aavailability Postgres clusters with just a few simple commands.


Deploy Identical clusters when you want to scale up or create production-like test clusters.


Manage open source solutions as well as EDB’s high-availability solution EDB Postgres Distributed. The standard way of deploying EDB Postgres Distributed in a self-managed setting is to use TPA.

Make the right High Availability decisions from Day 0 to Day 2

Day 0: Selecting an HA architecture

Select an architecture that meets HA and latency needs, implements backups and is not prone to pitfalls such as split-brain

Day 1: Deploying your clusters

Deploy on-premises, in any cloud, or across a mix of environments, just by describing Postgres clusters in simple terms

Day 2: Maintaining and operating your clusters

Manage up-to-date configuration of clusters throughout lifetime, applying changes and updates with minimal downtime

Ready to get started or have questions? Ask our experts.

TPA Related Products and Resources

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EDB Postgres Distributed

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Postgres High Availability

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TPA Break/Fix Support