BPS is accelerating app development with open source Postgres, cloud-native architecture, and EDB support. As Head of Infrastructure at Banca Popolare di Sondrio (BPS), Piergiorgio Spagnolatti (PJ) has observed a steady growth in adoption of Postgres over 25 years, with a noticeable rapid increase in the last five years. "I've tried to find where the limit with Postgres is," PJ says, "and from a systems management standpoint, I don't see any specific boundary or constraint for our deployments. From a functionality perspective, Postgres continues to evolve. So I really don't see the end to its potential."
KATIM needed to upgrade communication security infrastructure from self-service PostgreSQL to a scalable, enterprise-grade solution for evolving business and client needs. By adding enterprise-grade high availability, scalability, and support to Postgres, EDB has enabled KATIM to meet its customer experience and expansion goals.