PostgresSQL: Open Source Datenbank In Hochkritischen Unternehmenslandschaften
In Zeiten der Digitalisierung werden die Open-Source Projekte immer wichtiger. Auch bei Datenbanken kann man diese Tendenz erkennen. Postgres als Open-Source Datenbank nimmt eine zentrale Stelle in Rechenzentren von Kunden. Postgres wird durch die Community getrieben, sehr flexibel einsatzbar und passt sehr gut in die moderne Infrastruktur-Landschaften.
In diese Präsentation gibt der Vortragender einen Überblick über die Eigenschaften der Datenbank und zeigt, wie eine Open-Source
Szabaduljon ki az Oracle szorításából - UTC
A webinarban megtudhatják milyen kihívásokkal kell szembenézni Oracle adatbázis PostgreSQL-re migrálása során. Bemutatjuk az utóbbi két év nagy komplexitású Oracle kompatibilitási vizsgálatainak tapasztalatait, beleértve az idei évben az EDB migrációs portálján keresztül vizsgált több mint 2 200 000 Oracle DDL konstrukciót.
Az előadás alatt kitérünk az alábbiakra:
- Tárhely (storage) definiciók
- Csomagok
- Tárolt eljárások
- PL/SQL kód
- Gyártói adatbázis API-k
- Komplex adatbázis migrációk
PostgreSQL to Accelerate Innovation - UTC
PostgreSQL is versatile and used for a wide range of applications and use cases in the enterprise. It is more than just database technology, it is an accelerator for innovation. Much innovation today is happening in new application development, application modernization, and re-platforming to the cloud across the information architecture landscape. In this webinar, you will learn how EDB supercharges PostgreSQL to re-platform to cloud and containers more efficiently and develop new applications that are more scalable and secure.
Automating a PostgreSQL High Availability architecture with Ansible
Highly available databases are essential to organizations depending on mission-critical, 24/7 access to data. Postgres is widely recognized as an excellent open-source database, with critical maturity and features that allow organizations to scale and achieve high availability.
EDB Reference architectures are designed to help new and existing users alike to quickly design a deployment architecture that suits their needs. Users can use these reference architecture as a blueprint or as the basis for a design that enhances and extends the functionality and features offered.
Introducing Data Redaction - An Enabler to Data Security in EDB Postgres Advanced Server - APJ
9.30am IST 12.00pm SGT 3.00pm AU ET
With the rapid growth in digitalization, coupled with the current pandemic situation globally, many organizations and businesses are forced to operate remotely and online, more than they would prefer. At such times, how do corporations and businesses ensure data security, especially the secure management of personal information?
An overview of reference architectures for Postgres
EDB Reference Architectures are designed to help new and existing users alike to quickly design a deployment architecture that suits their needs. They can be used as either the blueprint for a deployment, or as the basis for a design that enhances and extends the functionality and features offered.
Add-on architectures allow users to easily extend their core database server deployment to add additional features and functionality "building block" style.
In this webinar, we will review the following architectures:
Overcoming write availability challenges of PostgreSQL
There's no shortage of physical replication solutions for PostgreSQL, they scale horizontally and provide high read availability. But where they fall short is write availability, which leads many users to consider PostgreSQL logical replication. Existing solutions have a single point of failure or are dependent on a forked, vendor-provided PostgreSQL extension making reliable, enterprise-class logical replication hard to come by. Furthermore, these solutions put limits on scaling PostgreSQL.
Un guide complet pour la migration de bases de données héritées vers PostgreSQL - Central European Time
Ce webinaire passera en revue les défis auxquels les équipes sont confrontées lors de la migration d’une base de données Oracle vers PostgreSQL Nous partagerons les informations tirées d’évaluations de compatibilité Oracle de grande ampleur, effectuées sur les deux dernières années, inclues plus de 2 200 000 constructions Oracle DDL qui ont été évaluées au travers du portail de migration EDB en 2020.
Lors de cette session, nous aborderons:
PostgreSQL as a Strategic Tool: Deploy with Purpose
During this webinar, we will review best practices and lessons learned from working with large and mid-size companies on their deployment of PostgreSQL. We will explore the practices that helped industry leaders move through these stages quickly, and get as much value out of PostgreSQL as possible without incurring undue risk.
We have identified a set of levers that companies can use to accelerate their success with PostgreSQL:
Oracle’dan Ayrılma - Istanbul
EnterpriseDB Türkiye Distribütörü ve bölgedeki yetkili tek eğitim merkezi Profelis Bilişim ve Danışmalık ile EnterpriseDB’nin birlikte düzenlediği bu webinar ile ekiplerin Oracle veritabanlarını PostgreSQL’e geçirirken izleyecekleri yolları ve avantajları konu edeceğiz.
2020 yılı içinde EnterpriseDB’nin Göç Portalı aracılığıyla incelenen 2,2 milyondan fazla Oracle DDL yapısı da dahil olmak üzere, son iki yılda büyük ölçekli Oracle uyumluluk değerlendirmelerinden elde edilen deneyimleri paylaşacağız
Webinarda konuşacağımız konular:
- Depolama tanımları
An Expert Guide to Migrating Legacy Databases to PostgreSQL - Central European Time
This webinar will review the challenges teams face when migrating from Oracle databases to PostgreSQL. We will share insights gained from running large scale Oracle compatibility assessments over the last two years, including the over 2,200,000 Oracle DDL constructs that were assessed through EDB’s Migration Portal in 2020.
During this session we will address:
Ein Expertenleitfaden für die Migration von Legacy-Datenbanken zu PostgreSQL - Central European Time
Dieses Webinar gibt einen Überblick über die Schwierigkeiten, denen Teams bei der Migration von Oracle-Datenbanken zu PostgreSQL gegenüberstehen. Wir werden Einblicke in das geben, was wir bei der Durchführung groß angelegter Oracle-Kompatibilitätsbewertungen in den letzten zwei Jahren gelernt haben, einschließlich der über 2.200.000 Oracle-DDL-Konstrukte, die über das Migrationsportal von EDB im Jahr 2020 bewertet wurden.
Wir werden in diesem Kurs Folgendes behandeln:
Big Data Paris - Serveurs et outils pour la base de données d’EDB
et exposé présente PostgreSQL et ses caractéristiques. Il procure un aperçu complet des outils EDB, qui renforcent les capacités de Postgres dans les domaines suivants: surveillance et alerte, la haute disponibilité, replication de données, sécurité de la base de données et outils pour la migration d’Oracle vers Postgres:
Improving Performance in Postgres - Using the Postgres Tuning Wizard in PEM - APJ
How to manage the performance and design of your database servers
The Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) Tuning Wizard reviews your installation, and recommends a set of configuration options that will help tune a Postgres installation to best suit the anticipated workload. PEM's Performance Diagnostics uses Postgres' wait state information to analyze queries in context of the current workload and help identify further performance improvement opportunities in terms of locks, IO, and CPU bottlenecks.
This webinar will cover:
Best Practices in Security with PostgreSQL
The webinar will review a multi-layered framework for PostgreSQL security, with a deeper focus on limiting access to the database and data, as well as securing the data. Using the popular AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Auditing) framework we will cover:
Ashnik + EDB: How EDB Postgres helps achieve business continuity for database? - India & Singapore Time
Database downtime can cost your business a significant sum of money and stress. Efficient planning, designing, architecting and the right tools used can help your organization minimize the damages during a crisis event. Today, PostgreSQL has become an essential database technology, and as a database of choice for enterprise customers.
Beginners Guide to High Availability for Postgres
Highly available databases are essential to organizations depending on mission-critical, 24/7 access to data. PostgreSQL is widely recognized as an excellent open-source database, with critical maturity and features that allow organizations to scale and achieve high availability.
This webinar will explore:
An Expert Guide to Migrating Legacy Databases to PostgreSQL
This webinar will review the challenges teams face when migrating from Oracle databases to PostgreSQL. We will share insights gained from running large scale Oracle compatibility assessments over the last two years, including the over 2,200,000 Oracle DDL constructs that were assessed through EDB’s Migration Portal in 2020.
During this session we will address:
PostgreSQL 13 is Coming - Find Out What's New! - India & Singapore Time
PostgreSQL 13 is coming. Find out how to harness the power of new & improved features in PostgreSQL 13.
This webinar will explore the following:
How to build a highly available PostgreSQL Cluster using EDB Failover Manager? - India & Singapore Time
Database downtime can cost your business significant revenue. And while PostgreSQL is incredibly stable, it does not identify a database failure or automatically switches traffic to a standby database. In such a scenario, EDB Failover Manager (EFM) can be at the forefront of automatically detecting master database failures and promoting the most up-to-date standby database to take over.
Register for this free webinar and learn how EDB Failover Manager helps you build a highly available PostgreSQL Cluster for overall business continuity.
How to Harness The Power of New and Improved Features in PostgreSQL 13
Join Postgres experts Bruce Momjian and Marc Linster as they preview everything new in Postgres 13. You don’t want to miss this!
This session will explore:
- Logical subscription for partitioned tables
- Partitionwise joins
- BEFORE row-level triggers
- Additional enhancements
Want to get all the Postgres 13 updates but can’t make the live webinar? Register here and we will send you the slides and recording following the session.
Why Care Risk Choose PostgreSQL - India Standard Time
Care Risk Solutions, based in Mumbai, India, provides software solutions for Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) sectors. Care Risk carries a suite of solutions primarily to support companies in the financial risk domain. This includes its Enterprise Risk Management suite (ERM), Asset Liability Management (ALM), Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Financial Reporting Applications, Lending suite and Early Warning systems.
NibbleIT + EDB: Deploying High Availability Infrastructure with Ansible - CEST
In deze presentatie zal Mike Sijmons (Nibble IT) uitleggen en demonstreren hoe met behulp van Ansible en de EDB-software een Enterprise omgeving te deployen, waarin hoge beschikbaarheid/backup en monitoring zijn opgenomen. Gaby Schilders (EDB) geeft een overzicht van de EDB-tools die zijn gebruikt om de setup te maken.
Using PEM to understand and improve performance in Postgres: the Postgres Tuning Wizard and Performance Diagnostics
The Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) Tuning Wizard reviews your installation, and recommends a set of configuration options that will help tune a Postgres installation to best suit the anticipated workload.
This webinar will explore:
- How to intelligently manage all your database servers with a single console
- Useful features and functionality needed for visual database administration
- Managing the performance and design of your database servers
Spoon Consulting + EDB: A la recherche d'un ROI immédiat autour de vos SGBD sur 2020?
A la recherche d'un ROI immédiat autour de vos SGBD sur 2020? Nous avons la solution ! Et ceci :
- Sans mettre en oeuvre des projets trop complexes,
- Sans prendre de risques trop importants sur vos bases de production,
- En vous garantissant des bénéfices immédiats dès la première année,
- Tout en assurant une montée en compétences de vos DBAs.
Croyez le ou non, c'est possible ! Pour en savoir plus, inscrivez-vous à notre Webinar.