Safely and securely observe, learn, and act across your data estate — from anywhere.

What if you could access transactional, analytical, and AI data systems across cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments — all through a single pane of glass? The EDB Postgres® AI platform simplifies hybrid data management with a single intuitive interface offering real-time observability into diverse data environments.

EDB Postgres AI

EDB Postgres AI is an intelligent platform for transactional, analytical, and AI workloads that meets you wherever you are — on-premises, on any cloud, anywhere, and on appliances of choice. Gain intelligent observability, including query diagnostics, performance insights, event detection, and continual log analysis.

Explainer Video

Modern enterprises are managing petabytes of data across clouds, on-premises, and at the edge.

Managing data sprawl

Maintaining petabytes of data across various systems and environments introduces significant cost, overhead, and complexity in managing multiple database systems, vendors, skill sets, and tools.

Transforming disparate systems

The multitude of user interfaces (UIs), command-line interfaces (CLIs), and operators presents a significant administrative challenge for operators, transforming system management into a daunting task.

Realizing untapped data value

When data is stuck in silos, it becomes unmanageable and poses challenges for security, compliance, and governance. This data also holds untapped value for an organization and could be deployed for AI and analytics applications, with better integration in place. 

Simplify hybrid data management with a single intuitive interface offering real-time observability into diverse data environments.

Operational efficiency

Reduce the number of disparate SaaS, open source, and homegrown tools required to optimize Postgres databases for enterprise requirements.

AI-driven performance enhancements

Monitor and tune your databases, with automatic suggestions on improving query performance, AI-driven event detection and log analysis, and smart alerting when metrics exceed configurable thresholds.

Intelligent observability

Help ensure security, uptime, compliance, and governance for new and growing Postgres deployments across hybrid and multi-cloud data estates, with intelligent observability that goes beyond monitoring to provide automatic suggestions and AI-driven analysis.

Data estate management: The challenges you’ll face and the outcomes you can deliver with EDB


Data estate management workload architecture

Key features of the EDB solution

Single pane of glass

Deploy and manage EDB Postgres and open source PostgreSQL databases using a common set of interfaces (GUI, CLI, and DevOps tooling) across public cloud, private cloud, and bare metal environments

Postgres workload reports

The most in-depth reporting for Postgres in a format similar to Oracle and AWR reports. Get alerts when metrics exceed configurable thresholds, download/query logs, and leverage AI event detection and continual log analysis.

Performance diagnostics

Analyze database performance, see diagnostics (including metrics on queries, users, and wait events), and get automatic suggestions on how to improve performance.

Key EDB products for data estate management workloads

EDB Postgres Extended

An enterprise Postgres server with PostgreSQL SQL parity, plus features for mission-critical data applications including advanced replication, high availability, security, and performance diagnostics. Deploy as DBaaS, self-managed, hybrid, and multi-cloud.

EDB Postgres Advanced Server

An enterprise Postgres server with Oracle compatibility, plus features for mission-critical data applications, including advanced replication, high availability, security, diagnostics, and reporting. Deploy as DBaaS, self-managed, hybrid, and multi-cloud.

PostgreSQL commercial support

Get full support for open source PostgreSQL with patching, operations, diagnostics, upgrades, performance, and more. Get 24x7x365 global expertise with rapid, follow-the-sun support for critical issues.

EDB Postgres AI Cloud Service

Fully managed EDB Postgres in your cloud of choice, where EDB handles deployment, monitoring, high availability, replication, backups, encryption, and more. Deploy within public cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP).


Harnessing the Power of Postgres for Transactional, Analytical, and AI workloads

Postgres for All Your Data

Revolutionizing Real-Time Analytics and AI workloads with PostgreSQL

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud: The Future of Cloud Computing

Ready to Get Started?

To learn more about EDB Postgres AI, fill out the form below and a team member will reach out to you.