Release Radar: EDB Announces Real-Time Postgres Monitoring and Observability Capabilities in BigAnimal

January 16, 2024

Our latest EDB BigAnimal release delivers several new options that will help you better monitor the health and activity of your BigAnimal clusters! Monitoring and observability play an essential role for organizations managing high availability (HA) and production database workloads in distributed PostgreSQL environments, because they enable continuous tracking of system health, performance metrics and potential issues, allowing teams to take swift action to prevent or resolve failures that could lead to downtime. To make it simpler for you to track this information, as well as view cluster infrastructure usage and database activity directly, BigAnimal Monitor enables access directly from the BigAnimal portal.

Overcome real-time monitoring and observability challenges

Our new, native BigAnimal monitoring capabilities deliver a live view of key cluster metrics, including CPU usage and transactions per second, in a simple, digestible format. You don’t need to do any setup or configuration to start with real-time Postgres monitoring, with BigAnimal Monitor ensuring your data is both visible and actionable. If BigAnimal Monitor detects any issues with your clusters, it brings them to your attention and provides a flow to easily resolve them without leaving the BigAnimal portal.

BigAnimal can monitor PostgreSQL (versions 12-16), EDB Postgres Advanced Server and EDB Postgres Extended Server, offering you the access you need in multiple areas. 

Whether you’re looking for a quick, real-time view of active connections or want to do an analysis of CPU usage over the past six months to decide if you can save on costs by downsizing, BigAnimal Monitor delivers the data and tools you need for any situation. 

Gain data control with enhanced monitoring, observability and flexibility 

BigAnimal Monitor now ensures that you have the visibility and the data you need to focus on your applications and ensure availability by increasing its monitoring and observability capabilities. 

Reap the benefits of fully managed Postgres with EDB BigAnimal today!

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