Announcing the BigAnimal Self-Service Free Trial

February 04, 2022

We understand that you have certain expectations when it comes to Software as a service (SaaS) technologies. From a database perspective, it means that you leave setting up the database, setting up the infrastructure and provisioning new clusters to us. You can also count on us to keep everything backed up, up-to-date, continuously available, and performing without hiccups. As the end user, you can focus on building great applications and tweaking the database to do exactly what you need it to for your business. We give you all that and more with BigAnimal, our fully managed PostgreSQL service.

However, SaaS is more than just providing a great experience when you’re working on projects. SaaS is a mindset for the BigAnimal team. We want to make your experience learning about BigAnimal to provide you what you need, when you need it…even before you subscribe. Our goal is to make an on-demand, self-service, express path for you to easily learn about and try out BigAnimal directly, on your own timeline and at no cost to you.

Starting today, you’ll be able to experience our fully managed PostgreSQL service first-hand.

This self-service BigAnimal free trial provides an express path to try out our database service and features:

  • Our fully managed PostgreSQL database service
  • The ability to try much (but not all!) of BigAnimal’s functionality
  • 14 days of access to a BigAnimal cluster, giving you the ability to connect an application and run queries
  • PostgreSQL Advanced Server, which provides native compatibility with Oracle applications
  • Support from EDB’s world-class PostgreSQL expertise via the same enterprise support team we provide our subscription customers

What’s required from you to access the BigAnimal free trial?

Not much! You don’t need a cloud account, you don’t need to download anything, and you don’t need to set anything up. All you do is create or log into your EDB account and enter the BigAnimal “express experience” environment. And, as a side note, your EDB account gives you more than just access to the BigAnimal free trial. It also lets you use EDB’s training materials, migration portal, and access other EDB downloads. 

What can you do in the BigAnimal free trial?

  • Sign up and get started in 60 seconds
  • Explore the BigAnimal interface
  • Spin up a cluster and set parameters so it’s configured to your specifications
  • Manage the cluster (start, stop, etc..) and connect to it
  • View your activity log
  • Connect and run Oracle applications and queries

The BigAnimal free trial is really a quick and easy way to experience BigAnimal and how a fully managed database service can remove extra overhead you’d normally have to deal with in a traditional database deployment. 

Check out the video walkthrough below or download the Quick Start Guide to follow along step-by-step.

As we mentioned above, please keep in mind that the BigAnimal free trial is an “express” version of our fully featured service; it’s not designed for deep-dive evaluations against your project requirements. It’s meant for a single user to play around and connect an application to a single cluster. 

For those who are looking to evaluate BigAnimal against production workloads, performance testing, or connecting to any private or regionally restricted data, we do offer a deeper dive 30-day evaluation.  Our 30-day evaluation is a white glove experience where you’ll work closely with our Customer Success team for onboarding, allowing you to test BigAnimal against your project requirements. It’s the full-featured version of BigAnimal, meaning you’ll have a full range of options regarding region deployment, instance types, team participation, and more. It’s deployed within your Azure account and when the 30-day evaluation period is over, you can continue using BigAnimal via a paid subscription without any interruption in service. Request a deep-dive 30-day evaluation within the BigAnimal free trial environment or through this contact form.  

For those looking to get a quick experience with BigAnimal, we definitely recommend this newly released express free trial. So, head over to our sign up page, create an EDB account, and get started right away!

Try EDB BigAnimal today!

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