EDB BigAnimal Now Available with Managed PgBouncer

May 25, 2023

EDB recently integrated PgBouncer, a lightweight connect pooler, with BigAnimal, our fully managed cloud PostgreSQL database as a service. This built-in integration helps developers and DBAs more easily manage Postgres connections and maximize workload efficiency.

As deployed with BigAnimal, the widely used PgBouncer acts as a proxy server to maintain a pool of connections between a client and the database server. PgBouncer offers eased connection management vs. PostgreSQL’s native process of handling connections, which can become resource-intensive when connections are created and discarded often (e.g., loading webpages). 

Customers can optionally enable PgBouncer through the user interface, API, or CLI. PgBouncer is supported for single node and high availability clusters.

Begin your fully managed PostgreSQL experience

EDB is the largest contributor to PostgreSQL, and that expertise is integrated in our BigAnimal managed Postgres solution. BigAnimal provides continuous availability, with a 99.995% uptime SLA in AWS, Azure, and (soon) GCP environments, enabling you to run critical workloads at scale, across regions, without sacrificing downtime.

Want to see our Managed PostgreSQL solution and integrated PgBouncer for yourself? It only takes a minute to get started with your EDB BigAnimal trial, which enables you to:

  • Rapidly provision an AWS or Azure cluster
  • Connect your applications 
  • Try Oracle-compatible functions and queries

 Register for the free trial today.

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