Managing BigAnimal Clusters with BigAnimal’s APIs in Ansible

June 28, 2022

In case you would like to review details about BigAnimal, you can take a look at a previous blog posting: “Managing BigAnimal Clusters with BigAnimal APIs”, in which we reviewed and explained what is: 

  • DBaaS
  • BigAnimal
  • BigAnimal Cluster

We also discussed What BigAnimal is, its features and capabilities.


Ansible is an open-source provisioning, and configuration management software written by Michael DeHaan and acquired by Red Hat in 2015.

Why use Ansible and BigAnimal?

A few reasons for utilizing Ansible together with BigAnimal are:


Obtaining a Token

A BigAnimal token is created by executing the script ‘’ as shown below:

After following the instructions displayed on the console, a successful token assignment looks somewhat as below

  "access_token": "<yourtoken>",
  "refresh_token": "v1.MZY5PHwcVWeDw82c5C2qkRa5U3Cenp3eD2beagy6DmQCxf7FGU9U9XczyDjWaJmboeoDYwbzgyUBt80lNINMOfk",
  "scope": "openid profile email offline_access",
  "expires_in": 86400,
  "token_type": "Bearer"

From the message above, we can tell how long the token will last, which is listed in seconds under the “expires_in” setting.

Should there be a need to obtain more tokens the same process can be executed as many times as needed.

Creating a Cluster

Once you have all the prerequisites readily available, we can proceed to edit the “data.json” file with the desired cluster configuration:

  "clusterName": "DO-ansible-1",
  "instanceType": {
    "cpu": 2,
    "id": "azure:Standard_E2s_v3",
    "instanceType": "E2s v3",
    "ram": 16
  "password": "SuperDuper123",
  "pgConfigMap": [
  "postgresType": {
    "dockerImage": "",
    "id": "epas"
  "postgresVersion": "14",
  "privateNetworking": true,
  "provider": {
    "cloudProviderId": "azure"
  "region": {
    "regionId": "westus2"
  "replicas": 3,
  "volumeProperties": "P1",
  "volumeType": {
    "configFieldsList": [
    "displayName": "Azure Premium Storage",
    "id": "azurepremiumstorage",
    "storageClass": "managed-premium"
  "zoneRedundantHa": true

The values to be configured should be:

  • Cluster Name
  • Password
  • Postgresql Type
  • Postgresql Version
  • Provider
  • Region
  • Instance Type
  • Volume Type
  • Volume Properties
  • High Availability
  • Networking
  • Confirmation of cluster creation

The next step is to edit the: “variables.yml” file and look for the section where you assign the token, which is on line 7. The “variables.yml” file content should look similar to this:

token: "<yourtoken>"
# Match the name, provider pgType and pgVersion to desired filters
list_endpoint: api/v1/clusters?name=DO-ansible&provider=azure&pgType=epas&pgVersion=14&sort=%2Bname
provision_endpoint: api/v1/clusters
status_endpoint: api/v1/clusters
pgId: <your_biganimal_cluster_id>
status_healthystate: Cluster in healthy state

The values available for configuration within this file are:

  • token
  • biganimal_server - URL for the BigAnimal portal
  • list_endpoint - suffix to be appended to the “biganimal_server” url
  • provision_endpoint - suffix to be appended to the “biganimal_server” url
  • status_endpoint - suffix to be appended to the “biganimal_server” url
  • pgId - BigAnimal cluster Postgres Id
  • status_healthystate - Text to display when a BigAnimal Cluster is in healthy state

The code to create a cluster is located inside the “provision.yml” file, it looks like this

# Original work by: EnterpriseDB
# Author: Doug Ortiz
# Date: March 03, 2022
# Version: 1.0
# Copyright (c) 2020 EnterpriseDB

- hosts: localhost

    - ./variables.yml

#  - name: Print token
#    debug: msg="{{ token }}"
  - name: Provision  BigAnimal Cluster
      url: "{{ biganimal_server }}{{ provision_endpoint }}"
      method: POST
      body: "{{ lookup('file', 'data.json') }}"
      body_format: json      
        Authorization: "Bearer {{ token }}"      
        Cache-Control: no-cache
        Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
        Connection: keep-alive
        Accept: application/json
      return_content: yes
      status_code: 202
      timeout: 30
    register: provision_results

  - name: BigAnimal Cluster pgId
      var: provision_results.json.pgId

The code above: 

  • Assigns the token, headers, and url to variables
  • Performs a POST request
  • Displays the status from the request, and the response data.

A few items to note:

  • The token must be assigned in the “variables.yml” file where the “token” variable is defined
  • Basic error handling can be improved
  • The status of the API call is displayed at the end of the code

The next step in the process is to execute the ansible playbook:

ansible-playbook provision.yml

A successful cluster creation will provide a message that looks somewhat as below

PLAY [localhost] 

TASK [Gathering Facts] 
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Provision  BigAnimal Cluster] 
ok: [localhost]

TASK [BigAnimal Cluster pgId] 
ok: [localhost] => {
    "provision_results.json.pgId": "p-f64gljfj7b"

localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 

A key step is to note the value in the: “provision_results.json.pgId”, which is the BigAnimal Cluster pgId. This value must be copied into the “variables.yml” file under the “pgId” variable.

Listing Clusters

Listing clusters is accomplished by assigning the token in the “list.yml” file along with values configured in the “variables.yml” file for:

  • token
  • biganimal_server
  • list_endpoint
  • provision_endpoint
  • Status_endpoint
  • pgId
  • status_healthystate

The code to list a cluster is located inside the “list.yml” file, it looks like this

# Original work by: EnterpriseDB
# Author: Doug Ortiz
# Date: March 03, 2022
# Version: 1.0
# Copyright (c) 2020 EnterpriseDB

- hosts: localhost

    - ./variables.yml

#  - name: Print token
#    debug: msg="{{ token }}"
  - name: List BigAnimal Clusters
      url: "{{ biganimal_server }}{{ list_endpoint }}"
      method: GET
        Authorization: "Bearer {{ token }}"      
        Cache-Control: no-cache
        Connection: keep-alive
      return_content: yes
      validate_certs: no
      force_basic_auth: yes
      follow_redirects: yes
      status_code: 200
      timeout: 30
    register: provision_results

  - name: BigAnimal Cluster List
      var: provision_results

Similar to the previous code file, the code above:

  • Assigns the token, headers, url, and filter to variables
  • Performs a GET request
  • Displays the status from the request, and the response data.

Notice the items below in the code above:

  • The token must be assigned where the “token” variable is defined
  • The “list_endpoint” variable in the “variables.yml” might need some adjusting to fit the parameters of the clusters to list. It is not needed to include: provider, pgType, pgVersion, nor the sort parameters

The execution command to list the clusters available to the current credentials is:

ansible-playbook list.yml

Listing clusters results:

PLAY [localhost] 

TASK [Gathering Facts] 
ok: [localhost]

TASK [List BigAnimal Clusters] 
[WARNING]: The value "True" (type bool) was converted to "'True'" (type
string). If this does not look like what you expect, quote the entire value to
ensure it does not change.
ok: [localhost]

TASK [BigAnimal Cluster List] 
ok: [localhost] => {
    "provision_results": {
        "cache_control": "private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate",
        "changed": false,
        "connection": "close",
        "content": "[{\"name\":\"DO-ansible-1\",\"instance\":3,\"currentPrimary\":\"p-f64gljfj7b-1\",\"targetPrimary\":\"p-f64gljfj7b-1\",\"pvcCount\":0,\"jobCount\":0,\"licenceStatus\":\"\",\"writeService\":\"p-f64gljfj7b-rw\",\"readService\":\"p-f64gljfj7b-r\",\"phase\":\"Creating a new replica\",\"phaseReason\":\"Creating replica p-f64gljfj7b-2-join\",\"description\":\"\",\"imageName\":\"\",\"postgresConfig\":\"\",\"maintainanceWindowNode\":\"\",\"backupDestinationPath\":\"\",\"backupEndpointUrl\":\"\",\"instanceType\":{\"id\":\"azure:Standard_E2s_v3\",\"ram\":16,\"cpu\":2,\"instanceType\":\"E2s v3\",\"description\":\"\",\"familyName\":\"\",\"name\":\"\",\"category\":\"\"},\"pgId\":\"p-f64gljfj7b\",\"pgType\":{\"id\":\"epas\",\"name\":\"EDB Postgres Advanced Server\",\"description\":\"\",\"dockerImage\":\"\"},\"pgVersion\":{\"versionId\":\"14\",\"versionName\":\"14\",\"description\":\"\"},\"clusterLocation\":{\"cloudProvider\":{\"cloudProviderId\":\"azure\",\"cloudProviderName\":\"Azure\",\"description\":\"\"},\"region\":{\"regionId\":\"westus2\",\"regionName\":\"(US) West US 2\",\"description\":\"\"},\"k8ClusterId\":\"34cdcbdc-7248-5c15-89e6-d0cd627c8f2a\"},\"privateNetworking\":true,\"clusterStorageParameters\":{\"storageClass\":\"managed-premium\",\"size\":\"4 Gi\",\"autoscale\":false,\"paramsMap\":[[\"secretName\",\"\"],[\"shareName\",\"\"]],\"volumeTypeId\":\"azurepremiumstorage\",\"volumePropertiesId\":\"P1\"},\"pgConfigMap\":[[\"max_connections\",\"100\"]],\"zoneRedundantHa\":false,\"numberOfBackups\":0,\"profileType\":\"\",\"deleteDetails\":\"\",\"replicas\":3,\"storageAccountName\":\"pgho9cg92c\",\"clusterConnectionInfo\":{\"serviceName\":\"\",\"databaseName\":\"edb_admin\",\"port\":\"5432\",\"username\":\"edb_admin\",\"password\":\"\",\"pgpass\":\"\",\"pguri\":\"postgresql://\"},\"createTime\":{\"seconds\":1646327915,\"nanos\":649730000},\"backupRetentionPeriod\":\"30d\",\"allowIpRangeMap\":[[\"\",\"To allow all access\"]],\"sourcePgId\":\"\",\"orgId\":\"org_QsBILBa3HlGP1VQr\",\"instanceTypeId\":\"azure:Standard_E2s_v3\",\"postgresTypeId\":\"epas\",\"providerId\":\"azure\",\"regionId\":\"westus2\"}]",
        "content_length": "2166",
        "content_security_policy": "base-uri 'self';default-src 'self' https://* wss://* wss://*;report-uri /api/log;script-src 'self' https://* wss://* wss://*;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';img-src 'self' * * * * data: https://*;connect-src 'self' https://* wss://* wss://* https://* https://* https://*;font-src 'self';form-action 'self';block-all-mixed-content;frame-ancestors 'self';object-src 'none';script-src-attr 'none';upgrade-insecure-requests",
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        "cookies_string": "",
        "cross_origin_opener_policy": "same-origin",
        "cross_origin_resource_policy": "same-site",
        "date": "Thu, 03 Mar 2022 17:28:06 GMT",
        "elapsed": 0,
        "etag": "W/\"876-YBJkQs1UOjUBel6VHOGxmNxeBp0\"",
        "expect_ct": "max-age=0",
        "expires": "-1",
        "failed": false,
        "json": [
                "allowIpRangeMap": [
                        "To allow all access"
                "backupDestinationPath": "",
                "backupEndpointUrl": "",
                "backupRetentionPeriod": "30d",
                "clusterConnectionInfo": {
                    "databaseName": "edb_admin",
                    "password": "",
                    "pgpass": "",
                    "pguri": "postgresql://",
                    "port": "5432",
                    "serviceName": "",
                    "username": "edb_admin"
                "clusterLocation": {
                    "cloudProvider": {
                        "cloudProviderId": "azure",
                        "cloudProviderName": "Azure",
                        "description": ""
                    "k8ClusterId": "34cdcbdc-7248-5c15-89e6-d0cd627c8f2a",
                    "region": {
                        "description": "",
                        "regionId": "westus2",
                        "regionName": "(US) West US 2"
                "clusterStorageParameters": {
                    "autoscale": false,
                    "paramsMap": [
                    "size": "4 Gi",
                    "storageClass": "managed-premium",
                    "volumePropertiesId": "P1",
                    "volumeTypeId": "azurepremiumstorage"
                "createTime": {
                    "nanos": 649730000,
                    "seconds": 1646327915
                "currentPrimary": "p-f64gljfj7b-1",
                "deleteDetails": "",
                "description": "",
                "imageName": "",
                "instance": 3,
                "instanceType": {
                    "category": "",
                    "cpu": 2,
                    "description": "",
                    "familyName": "",
                    "id": "azure:Standard_E2s_v3",
                    "instanceType": "E2s v3",
                    "name": "",
                    "ram": 16
                "instanceTypeId": "azure:Standard_E2s_v3",
                "jobCount": 0,
                "licenceStatus": "",
                "maintainanceWindowNode": "",
                "name": "DO-ansible-1",
                "numberOfBackups": 0,
                "orgId": "org_QsBILBa3HlGP1VQr",
                "pgConfigMap": [
                "pgId": "p-f64gljfj7b",
                "pgType": {
                    "description": "",
                    "dockerImage": "",
                    "id": "epas",
                    "name": "EDB Postgres Advanced Server"
                "pgVersion": {
                    "description": "",
                    "versionId": "14",
                    "versionName": "14"
                "phase": "Creating a new replica",
                "phaseReason": "Creating replica p-f64gljfj7b-2-join",
                "postgresConfig": "",
                "postgresTypeId": "epas",
                "privateNetworking": true,
                "profileType": "",
                "providerId": "azure",
                "pvcCount": 0,
                "readService": "p-f64gljfj7b-r",
                "regionId": "westus2",
                "replicas": 3,
                "sourcePgId": "",
                "storageAccountName": "pgho9cg92c",
                "targetPrimary": "p-f64gljfj7b-1",
                "writeService": "p-f64gljfj7b-rw",
                "zoneRedundantHa": false
        "msg": "OK (2166 bytes)",
        "origin_agent_cluster": "?1",
        "pragma": "no-cache",
        "redirected": false,
        "referrer_policy": "no-referrer",
        "status": 200,
        "strict_transport_security": "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains",
        "url": "",
        "vary": "Accept-Encoding",
        "warnings": [
            "The value \"True\" (type bool) was converted to \"'True'\" (type string). If this does not look like what you expect, quote the entire value to ensure it does not change."
        "x_content_type_options": "nosniff",
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        "x_xss_protection": "0"

localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0  

Deleting Clusters

To delete the BigAnimal clusters, we need to update the token and the pgId in the “variables.yml” code file. 

The code to delete a cluster is located inside the “destroy.yml” file, it looks like this

# Original work by: EnterpriseDB
# Author: Doug Ortiz
# Date: March 03, 2022
# Version: 1.0
# Copyright (c) 2020 EnterpriseDB

- hosts: localhost

    - ./variables.yml

#  - name: Print token
#    debug: msg="{{ token }}"
  - name: Delete BigAnimal Cluster
      url: "{{ biganimal_server }}{{ provision_endpoint }}/{{ pgId }}"
      method: DELETE      
        Authorization: "Bearer {{ token }}"      
        Cache-Control: no-cache
        Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
        Connection: keep-alive
        Accept: application/json        
      return_content: yes
      validate_certs: no
      force_basic_auth: yes
      follow_redirects: yes
      status_code: 204
      timeout: 30
    register: deletion_results

  - name: BigAnimal Cluster Deletion results
      var: deletion_results.msg

In the delete code file, the code above:

  • Assigns the token, headers, pgId, url, and filter to variables
  • Performs a DELETE request
  • Displays the status from the request, and the response data.

Notice the items below in the code above:

  • As the other code files, the token must be assigned where the “token” variable is defined in the “variables.yml” file
  • The BigAnimal Cluster Id must also be assigned

The execution command to delete a cluster is:

ansible-playbook destroy.yml

A successful cluster deletion will provide a message that looks somewhat as below

PLAY [localhost] 

TASK [Gathering Facts] 
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Delete BigAnimal Cluster] 
[WARNING]: The value "True" (type bool) was converted to "'True'" (type
string). If this does not look like what you expect, quote the entire value to
ensure it does not change.
ok: [localhost]

TASK [BigAnimal Cluster Deletion results] 
ok: [localhost] => {
    "deletion_results.msg": "OK (unknown bytes)"

localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 

Inspecting how it all works together

Now that we know what each code file accomplishes, we can stop and take a look at the underlying technologies and how all the pieces fall into place.

BigAnimal - Cluster Management with Ansible

The top block provides the BigAnimal API services to the bottom block that assembles the json and token into a message that is returned the the API call itself. It is very easy to overlook every step that occurs and while not all inclusive the diagram above does provide a deeper view at what happens behind the scenes.


In this blog we used Ansible and learned how to: 

  • Obtain a BigAnimal token
  • Create a BigAnimal cluster
  • List BigAnimal clusters
  • Delete a BigAnimal cluster

Try it out for yourself in our BigAnimal test drive environment. See you in the next blog post!

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