What’s New in Postgres 15: Webinar Highlights

January 15, 2023

Recently, EDB hosted an exciting webinar entitled “What’s New in Postgres 15,” which covered the development process for the latest version of PostgreSQL, as well as new features and benefits. For this conversation, Bryan Turriff, EDB senior director of product marketing, brought together Lætitia Avrot, EDB senior database consultant and Bruce Momjian, EDB vice president and Postgres evangelist. Both Avrot and Momjian provided unique perspectives on the current Postgres landscape and how organizations can make the most of Postgres' newest capabilities!

We highly recommend this webinar to anyone invested in the transformative potential as Postgres.

If you were unable to attend and would like to watch the full webinar, you can access it on-demand here. Read on for top highlights from the conversation.


Exciting Postgres 15 capabilities: Key takeaways

While we can’t share every single insight that our speakers offered over the course of their hour-long discussion, these key quotes from the event offer a preview of the topics discussed.

  • “Postgres logical replication is incredibly flexible. It gives you the ability to effectively decide what you’re going to replicate, instead of binary replication where everything is replicated. But the big overhead has always been that every time you created a table, you also had to create a publication, and then you had to create a subscriber. Now, as soon as you enter your schema, everything gets replicated automatically. That’s a lot of administrative overhead that goes away.” –Bruce Momjian, EDB vice president and Postgres evangelist, on how Postgres 15 improves logical replication
  • “Every database created has, by default, a schema called ‘public.’ Before Postgres 15, everyone in an organization had creation permissions on that schema. We didn’t believe that was the best thing, so we changed it. Now, only the owner of the schema or the people they give explicit write permissions to, will be able to write your public schema. Additionally, the ownership of the public schema is automatically given to the owner of the database.” –Lætitia Avrot, EDB senior database consultant, on new Postgres 15 schema permissions
  • “Postgres 15 is way more than just the few features we’ve described. It comes with better performance—for example, better sort performance, better performance for partitioning and so on. It also has better security and better monitoring!” —Lætitia Avrot on high-level benefits of Postgres 15


To discover the full potential of Postgres 15, watch the full webinar online (including a Q&A with those in attendance!).

To learn more about EDB’s work on Postgres 15, check out our infographic “Shaping the Future of Postgres: A Look at EDB’s Major Contributions Over the Years.”

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