Announcing Barman 1.3.1

April 14, 2014

Version 1.3.1 of Barman, Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL, has been released.

Barman now supports concurrent backup from PostgreSQL 9.2 and 9.3 servers, using the pgespresso extension, allowing users to issue backups from a streaming replicated standby server.

Read the full announcement at

Many thanks for funding towards the development of this release go to Adyen (

About Barman

Barman (Backup and Recovery Manager) is an open source administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers written in Python. It allows your organisation to perform remote backups of multiple servers in business critical environments and help DBAs during the recovery phase. Barman’s most requested features include backup catalogues, retention policies, remote recovery, archiving and compression of WAL files and backups.

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