Barman 1.1.0

October 14, 2012

Version 1.1.0 is the second release of Barman. Debian/Ubuntu packages are now available as well.

This release includes:

  • Support for hook scripts to be executed before and after a ‘backup’ command through the ‘pre_backup_script’ and ‘post_backup_script’ configuration options.
  • Management of multiple servers to the ‘backup’ command. ‘barman backup all’ now iteratively backs up all the configured servers.
  • Fixed bug #9: “9.2 issue with pg_tablespace_location()”
  • Add warning in recovery when file location options have been defined in the postgresql.conf file (issue #10)
  • Fail fast on recover command if the destination directory contains the ‘:’ character (Closes: #4) or if an invalid tablespace relocation rule is passed
  • Report an informative message when pg_start_backup() invocation fails because an exclusive backup is already running (Closes: #8)
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