Buildfarm Client Bugfix Release 6.1

January 05, 2018

I have released version 6.1 of the PostgreSQL Buildfarm client. It is available at

This release fixes a couple of bugs that became apparent in yesterday’s release. The first was a relatively minor one where the verbosity was always set if using the script. The second was a portability issue where some versions of Perl and its Time::HiRes module behaved unexpectedly and as a result log files were not sorted in correct order, leading to very strange timing results. The second one is sufficiently bad to warrant this point release.

Thanks to Tom Lane for identifying and helping to diagnose and patch these bugs.

Also, one other small bug is fixed in some utility scripts, and the BlackholeFDW module advertised for the version 6 release but not in fact present in the release file is now present.

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