Up to date access to postgres logs

May 05, 2017

Some of my Italian colleagues have made a nifty little gadget called redislog for pushing postgres logs into Redis, the distributed in-memory cache. From there it can be fed into things like logstash. I thought it would be interesting instead to make the logs available via the Redis Foreign Data Wrapper as a Postgres table. That way we would have easy access to the running logs from Postgres with almost no effort. Here’s what I did.

First I built and installed redislog and redis_fdw. Then I added redislog to my server’s shared_preload_libraries,  set log_min_duration_statement to 0 and restarted.

Then I created a database called logger and did this in it:

create extension redis_fdw;
create server localredis
  foreign data wrapper redis_fdw;
create foreign table redis_postgres_log(
    log_entry json
  server localredis
  options (tabletype 'list', singleton_key 'postgres', database '0');
create type log_type as (                                                                
  user_name text,
  database_name text,
  process_id int,
  remote_host text,
  session_id text,
  session_line_num int,
  command_tag text,
  session_start_time timestamptz,
  virtual_transaction_id text,
  transaction_id text,
  error_severity text,
  sql_state_code text,
  detail_log text,
  detail text,
  hint text,
  internal_query text,
  internal_query_pos text,
  context text,
  query text,
  query_pos text,
  file_location text,
  application_name text,
  message text,
  "@timestamp"  timestamptz);

create view postgres_log as 
  select (x).*
  from  redis_postgres_log r,
    json_populate_record(NULL::log_type, r.log_entry) as x;

alter table postgres_log
  rename "@timestamp" to log_timestamp;

After that I could select a random row from the view:

logger=# select * from public.postgres_log offset 10000 limit 1;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
user_name              | andrew
database_name          | pgb3
process_id             | 27513
remote_host            | [local]
session_id             | 590b44c4.6b79
session_line_num       | 1936
command_tag            | UPDATE
session_start_time     | 2017-05-04 11:12:04-04
virtual_transaction_id | 3/2498
transaction_id         | 3216
error_severity         | LOG
sql_state_code         | 
detail_log             | 
detail                 | 
hint                   | 
internal_query         | 
internal_query_pos     | 
context                | 
query                  | 
query_pos              | 
file_location          | 
application_name       | pgbench
message                | duration: 0.235 ms  statement: UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + -4736 WHERE tid = 8;
log_timestamp          | 2017-05-04 11:12:09.593-04

There’s a bunch of work to do to make this more scalable, for example by partitioning the log. It might also be that we need to enhance redislog and/or redis_fdw to make this work better. But in principle this is a pretty nice result, a painless way of getting up to the second log entries as a postgres table.

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