Early bird registrations open for PGDay.IT 2011

September 19, 2011

The Italian PGDay 2011 will take place in Prato, on Friday November 25th, at the Monash University Prato Centre. Exactly, where it all started.
The event, organised by the Italian PostgreSQL Users Group, will be a great chance for both Italian and European members of the PostgreSQL community to gather together and to promote PostgreSQL.

Even though the schedule is not out, early bird registrations are now open. With less than 50 euro you can buy an early bird ticket to the event, which will grant you access to the conference and – as usual – a lot of food and drinks throughout the day. If you intend to participate, please contact the organisers at pgday2011@itpug.org or fill out the registration form (in Italian)

I remind you that the Call for Papers is still open and that you can submit a paper in English here: http://2011.pgday.it/sites/default/files/PGDay2011-CFP-EN_0.pdf

Ci vediamo a Prato! (See you in Prato!)

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