PostgreSQL Buildfarm Client Release 9

November 12, 2018

Announcing Release 9 of the PostgreSQL Buildfarm client.

Along with numerous fixes of minor bugs and a couple of not so minor bugs, this release has the following features:

  • new command line parameter --run-parallel for runs
    all branches in parallel, possibly across animals as well
  • new config setting max_load_avg inhibits a run if the load average
    is higher than the setting
  • new config_option archive_reports saves that number of generations
    of the report sent to the server
  • new command line parameter --show-error-log which outputs the error
    log if any on stdout
  • automatically rerun 3 hours after a git failure, useful on back
    branches where commits can be infrequent
  • automatically convert old URLs to
  • better logic to detect when temp installs are unnecessary
  • better valgrind processing
  • new module to check core perl code for style and syntax
  • allow upstream repos to be rebased
  • add animal name and branch to verbose traces, useful in parallel runs
  • remove old if $branch eq 'global' processing in config file,
    replace with a simple global stanza, the legacy use is still supported.


If you want to run in parallel and you are just running a single animal, changing --run-all to --run-parallel in the command line should be all you need to do. Parallel runs are not run all at once. By default they are launched every 60 seconds. You can also limit the maximum number of parallel runs. The default is 10. I will be adding some notes to the Buildfarm Howto on how to use this feature.

The max_load_avg setting only works on Unix, and requires the installation of the non-standard perl module Unix::Uptime. If this value is set to a non-zero value and the module is not present the script will die. The setting is compared to the load average in the last minute and the last 5 minutes. If either are higher then the run is cancelled.

The release can be downloaded from or

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